Vaccination is the most effective defense against group C meningococcus, which causes sepsis and meningitis, experts argued on Monday during a debate on meningococcus.

Provincial consultant in the field of paediatrics, prof. Andrzej Radzikowski assured that vaccinations are exceptionally safe.

Meningokoka meeting. Greater awareness – less risk. The attitudes of parents and doctors towards vaccines took place in Warsaw. It was part of the 3rd edition of the No! For meningococci, organized by the Foundation To Live.

Symptoms of invasive meningococcal disease (IChM) caused by meningococcus are very quick – said Prof. Andrzej Radzikowski. The bacterium that attacks the body produces a poison that destroys blood vessels and then individual human organs. It’s like pouring some poison into the blood – described the effects of meningococcus, Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski from the National Medicines Institute.

Experts explained that meningococci most often cause sepsis (sepsis), many of which end in death or very severe complications – permanent hearing loss, brain lesions, recurrent seizures, and may even require limb amputation due to tissue necrosis.

There are many groups of meningococcal bacteria, but in Europe and in Poland the most common bacteria from groups B and C. As prof. Radzikowski, vaccination with the meningococcal vaccine from group C protects us in half from the potential meningococcal threat. A vaccine against meningococcus B has not yet been invented.

Children from 2 months to 5 years of age, adolescents between 11 and 24 years of age and people who often live in large groups of people are particularly at risk of infection with meningococcal group C. Dr. Grzesiowski explained that meningococcus live in the nasopharynx of people. In some age groups, their carriers may be even 40%. people.

As described by specialists, if virus carriers from different environments meet in one place, e.g. a kindergarten, school or military unit, meningococci may mutate and become more aggressive.

That is why – advised prof. Radzikowski – it is good to vaccinate as young children as possible.

If the parents decide to vaccinate their baby, two vaccinations should be given in two months – preferably in the second half of life. A child vaccinated for the first time after the age of 2 should be vaccinated later in adolescence. An adult, on the other hand, only needs one dose of vaccination. The vaccine works already one month after its administration – he added.

Dr. Grzesiowski noted that many home doctors have never seen symptoms of sepsis, characteristic of meningococcal disease. These symptoms include high temperature, muscle and joint pain, vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea. However, one of the most characteristic symptoms is a petechial rash on the skin that does not fade under pressure.

How is the home doctor to recommend a sepsis vaccine if he has never seen it, the expert wondered.

According to the research of GFK Polonia, conducted in February this year as part of the No! Campaign. For meningococci, more than 54 percent. pediatricians recommend meningococcal vaccination to parents of children from high-risk groups, i.e. those who go to school, kindergarten or nursery. (PAP)

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