When using a public toilet, we are very often afraid of the germs that may be on the toilet seat. Many people in this situation decide to use the “on Małysz” method, but according to experts, it may be harmful to health. So how do you urinate properly? Should we be concerned about using public toilets? How to minimize the risk of “catching” an infection?

  1. Urinating in a squat position can lead to problems with the bladder as well as the pelvic floor muscles
  2. Frequent peeing on “Małysz” is the cause of bacterial infections associated with incomplete emptying of the bladder
  3. When urinating properly, your knees should be above the hip line
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Urinating in a public toilet – do we have anything to fear?

Using a public toilet, especially for women, is associated with the fear of germs on the toilet seat. Some microbiologists refer to these fears as social phobia. The risk of urinary tract infections is minimal, and bacteria can only survive on the toilet seat for a short time. These include mainly streptococci, staphylococci and sexually transmitted microorganisms.

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It turns out that more harm can be done to us by the frequently practiced way of “for Małysz” while staying in a strange bathroom than just touching the board.

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Why pissing “on Malysz” can be harmful to your health?

When going to a strange bathroom or public toilet, we want to urinate as soon as possible to minimize the potential risk of urinary tract infection, but fear is not the best advisor in this situation. The “on Małysz” method means that we do not completely empty the bladder, and the bacteria remaining in it can lead to the mentioned infections. In addition, pelvic floor muscle coordination disorders appear over time. If you want to strengthen them, you can decide to buy Pretty Love Kegel Tighten Up III geisha balls – they will help you train your Kegel muscles.

According to Stephanie Bobinger, who is an expert at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, when peeing in a squat position, the pelvic floor muscles do not relax at the right moment and the urine flow may be interrupted. As a result, we put pressure on the thigh muscles and increase the pressure, which leads to problems with urinary incontinence, as well as lowering the reproductive organs.

How to urinate properly?

During proper urination or defecation, we should not press. Sit down with your knees above the hip line. In a public toilet or a foreign bathroom, we can put our hands under our thighs, which will provide us with greater comfort.

In addition, we will be sure that we have completely defecated without any pressure leading to lowering of the pelvic organs, urinary incontinence or prolapse of the reproductive organs. This is very important especially for women who have decided to give birth naturally or are in the process of menopause.

Using the public toilet – what should you be aware of?

When using a public toilet or bathroom in another apartment, first of all, we should remember to properly wash our hands with soap and water. You should pay attention not only to the outer and inner parts of the hands, but also to the spaces between the fingers. According to WHO, washing hands should take about 30-40 seconds. If we do not have access to running water and soap, we can use disinfectant or moisturizing wipes. You can buy Smedical hand disinfection gel HERE.

Find out more: Washing your hands can protect against viruses. How to do it effectively?

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