Experts have named the brand of milk with Escherichia coli

And it is advised to wash packages of even the highest quality milk by bringing them from the store.

Specialists “Roskachestvo»Recently re-examined milk with a fat content of 3,2%. Packages of six brands went to the laboratory: “36 kopecks”, “Vkusnoteevo”, “House in the village”, “Nasha milking”, “Prostokvashino” and Parmalat. When these same brands were examined for the first time, it turned out that several of them contain antibiotics. Strictly speaking, in almost all. And some were caught in violation of the pasteurization process.

The results of the repeated study were very different. No antibiotics were found in any of the samples. But in one of the packages, bacteria settled instead of drugs. Milk stamps “36 kopecks” turned out to be infected with E. coli, and the total number of bacteria in it exceeded all permissible norms. Another disadvantage is a violation of the temperature regime or the duration of pasteurization.

The rest of the milk turned out to be of excellent quality. Parmalat was recognized as the first among the best – this brand received 5 points out of five. “Vkusnoteevo”, “Prostokvashino” are almost impeccable. The milk “Nasha Milking” and “House in the Village” had an insufficiently expressed taste, for which the experts took away several points.

By the way

Experts from Roskachestvo advise not to go to stores at all, but to try to order food at home. If this is not possible, then the products you brought with you need to be washed.

“Wipe the packaging well if it is plastic, metal or glass. Water and soap are enough to wash away germs. And put the already mashed food on the shelves or in the refrigerator, ”advises Victor Larichev, Leading Researcher at the Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F. Gamalei.

It turns out that bottles and cartons of milk also need to be wiped properly. In addition, it will not be superfluous to disinfect the surface on which you laid out the brought products. And if you are using a cloth string bag, it’s worth washing.

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