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In Sweden, until mid-May, the spread of the coronavirus will be very low, or a new version of the coronavirus will appear in March, which will increase infections, according to two scenarios for the development of the pandemic presented on Monday by the Public Health Authority.

Coronavirus: how will the outbreak unfold in Sweden?

In the first optimistic forecast, «the number of Omicron infections will drop sharplyand then stabilize in March and remain low until summer ».

In the second scenario, around March 20 a variant of the coronavirus “of particular importance” for the development of the pandemic may appear. If this version had the same infectivity as Omikron, the peak COVID-19 incidence would be in mid-May.

Experts from the Public Health Office hypothetically assumed that the new variant would have the ability to overcome immunity acquired through both vaccination and COVID-19 disease.

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“For this reason, it is important to maintain a high level of preparedness in health and care,” Sweden’s chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said in a statement.

Further part under the video.

At the same time, the Swedish authorities do not assume that it will be necessary to reintroduce pandemic restrictions by May 20. In Sweden, the restrictions were lifted on February 9.

In Sweden, experts estimate that the incidence of Omicron-induced COVID-19 has peaked. In recent days, a lower burden on health care has also been observed: the number of patients infected with the coronavirus in hospitals, including those in intensive care units, is decreasing.

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Author: Daniel Zyśk / PAP

At the same time, we encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were talking about breathing. Breathe with your mouth or nose? How To Get Rid Of Bad Breathing Habits? What is breath re-reduction and how does it affect our mental and physical health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of breathing below.

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