Experts: constipation must not be taken lightly

Constipation can be a symptom of a serious illness and can also lead to health complications. Therefore, this problem should be consulted with a doctor, experts said on Wednesday at a press meeting in Warsaw.

“Our concern should be especially the sudden change in bowel habits for no apparent reason, including the appearance of constipation. It can be a symptom of colorectal cancer, as well as rectal bleeding and unjustified weight loss, ”said Dr. Aneta Kaczmarczyk from the Wolski Hospital in Warsaw.

A warning signal may also be a change in the appearance of the stool, e.g. its shape, which may be associated with a narrowing of the intestine’s lumen due to neoplastic infiltration. In addition, constipation, which persists chronically and does not subside despite lifestyle modifications, including diet, should induce us to visit a doctor.

“Unfortunately, although constipation affects approximately 30 percent. population, and in Poland 20 million packages of drugs are sold each year for this ailment, it is still an embarrassing problem, about which we do not want to talk to our relatives or the doctor ”- noted the specialist.

Meanwhile, in addition to colorectal cancer, they may be a symptom of, inter alia, inflammatory bowel diseases, but also diseases of other systems and organs, e.g. hormonal disorders (hypothyroidism), metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, tumors and spinal cord injuries or mental disorders – anorexia, depression.

As Dr. Kaczmarczyk reminded us, we talk about constipation when bowel movements occur less frequently than 3 times a week, but also when the stools are hard, the defecation is accompanied by considerable effort or a feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

This problem is more common in women, which is related to the hormonal balance. This is especially evident in pregnancy, when hormonal changes slow down the intestines, and later the uterus begins to constrict the intestines, worsening the intestinal transit.

Elderly people also often have problems with defecation, noted Dr. Kaczmarczyk. This is because they suffer from many additional ailments that cause immobilization and require the use of a large number of medications. The means that promote constipation include: painkillers, iron preparations, and even calcium preparations – used in the treatment of osteoporosis.

According to the gastroenterologist prof. Barbara Skrzydło-Radomańska, constipation is usually not a symptom of any disease, but only a functional disorder of the digestive tract. “Daily stress, irregular eating, inadequate diet composition, lack of physical exertion, adequate fluid intake make this problem so widespread” – said the specialist.

Dr. Kaczmarczyk pointed out that it is also important to inhibit the defecation stimulus, e.g. due to work or travel. “Unfortunately, it has long-term consequences, as it causes the sensitivity of the rectal bulb to decrease to this stimulus,” said the specialist.

Constipation significantly reduces the quality of life of patients because they contribute to flatulence, abdominal pain, heaviness, decreased appetite, emphasized prof. Skrzydło-Radomańska Street. Even if they are not a symptom of a serious illness, they can themselves lead to complications such as haemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, painful ulcers or diverticula of the colon. A diverticulum is a protrusion of the intestinal wall, in which intestinal contents may remain, and this may even lead to intestinal perforation and peritonitis.

Therefore, difficulties with bowel movements require treatment, mainly through lifestyle changes. According to Dr. Kaczmarczyk, it is about improving the quality and composition of the diet – first of all, we should increase the consumption of plant fiber, to 20-30 grams a day. This can be achieved by consuming half a kilogram of vegetables and fruit each day.

“Nowadays, we live in a constant run, and our digestive system loses its natural rhythm, so it is worth changing eating habits – try to eat at regular times, do not eat in a hurry, give yourself time to taste” – said the specialist. It is also important to drink about 2 liters of fluids every day, avoid excess foods that cause constipation, such as chocolate, whipped cream, creams, and engage in regular physical activity.

As assessed by prof. Skrzydło-Radomańska, oral therapy of constipation – with preparations that facilitate intestinal passage – is safe, but it must be remembered that it should not be used for more than a few days without medical advice. In the long term, it can cause dehydration and disturbance of electrolyte levels in the body.

In an interview with PAP, Dr. Kaczmarczyk also pointed out that overuse of oral medications for constipation may, after some time, weaken the natural activity of the intestines.

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