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Concerns about AstraZeneca are still not diminishing. Although the European Medicines Agency recognized that the preparation is safe and effective, many people give up vaccinations after being informed that they are to receive the preparation of the British-Swedish company. Experts also spoke to Medonet about the fact that there is no reason to worry. In particular, they emphasized that there was no link between vaccination and thrombotic events, and that, contrary to popular belief, AstraZeneca was effective.

  1. AstraZeneca is safe, effective and efficient – convinces both the European Medicines Agency and Polish experts
  2. Many people are still not convinced. AstraZeneca is less popular in Poland than vaccines that will be used by us
  3. According to BioStat research, the AstraZeneca vaccine would be taken by 8,3 percent. survey participants, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is not yet available in our country – 20,1 percent.
  4. That is why we recall the voices of Polish experts, virologists, biologists, immunologists, repeating that there is no reason to fear AstraZeneca
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AstraZeneca protects 100%. against a severe course of COVID-19

Piotr Rzymski, dr hab. Medical science from the University of Medical Sciences in Poznań emphasizes that the bad opinion accompanying the AstraZeneca vaccine is due to insufficient information about its effectiveness. And the preparation fully protects against severe complications of COVID-19.

– Communication failed, because the AstraZeneca vaccine more than met the requirement of at least 50 percent. effectiveness, set by regulators. In addition, we are talking about the effectiveness of protection against symptomatic COVID-19. All vaccines authorized in the EU, including AstraZeneca, were XNUMX% effective in protecting against severe disease, hospitalization and death in clinical trials – emphasized Roman.

  1. One quarter of Poles do not want to be vaccinated against COVID-19. We have the results of the poll

AstraZeneca: its effectiveness has improved

A similar aspect was raised by dr hab. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski. In his opinion, the opinion about AstraZeneka was formed on the basis of the first reports, not very favorable, about its effectiveness. Later information indicated its increasing effectiveness, as well as its safety when administered to the elderly.

  1. Dr. Dzieiątkowski about the AstraZeneca vaccine: it’s better to have a fever for two days than to be exposed to COVID-19

– This vaccine is already approved for patients up to 69 years of age, because this group has already been sufficiently tested. And then it turned out that extending the interval between the first and second doses to 10-12 weeks increases the effectiveness of vaccination to 84-85%. It is still about 10 percent less. than in the case of mRNA vaccines, but it is still highly effective – said a microbiologist and virologist from the Department and Department of Medical Microbiology of the Medical University of Warsaw in an interview with Medonet.

Side effects? The meteorite will hit us sooner

Most experts emphasize that incidents that occurred after receiving the vaccine were a negligible percentage among vaccinated people. When the European Medicines Agency announced that out of 3 million people vaccinated with AstraZeneca, 22 cases had blood clots, Dr. Dziecionkowski commented:

– Two months ago, there were reports of anaphylactic shocks after the administration of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. However, later it turned out that the scale of the phenomenon is from 5 to 11 cases per million doses of the vaccine administered. We are more likely to be hit by a meteorite – said the scientist.

  1. We are more likely to hit a meteorite than we will experience serious side effects 

– However, I categorically emphasize that you should always consider the balance of profits and risks. I always ask the question: would someone prefer to have flu-like symptoms with a fever for a day or two, or potentially, after being infected with SARS-CoV-2, rub against a respirator – added Dzieiątkowski.

Side effects of vaccines: Most of us are not tested before immunization

– So far, no cause-and-effect relationship has been found between the intake of the AstraZeneca vaccine and the occurrence of embolism – similarly said Prof. Jarosław Drobnik, head epidemiologist at the University Teaching Hospital in Wrocław.

  1. How do I deal with the side effects of vaccination? [WE EXPLAIN]

– The same as it was said about deaths after vaccination with Pfizer in DPS. It was a dozen or so cases worldwide. And these were vaccinated people with a risk of death. After all, most of us do not get tested when going to vaccination. He doesn’t know if he has cancer or if he has a clotting problem until someone diagnoses it. I do not see a relationship here – he added.

Better to get vaccinated with AstraZeneca than to get COVID-19

Drobnik also explained what a person can do when he is told that he will be vaccinated with this preparation.

– She may or may not go to the vaccine, at the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19. Alternatively, he can report on a different date and get another vaccine, for example from Johnson & Johson, also vector vaccine – said the expert.

  1. What are the people to be vaccinated with AstraZeneka to do? Here’s what the doctor advises

Is it possible to ask for vaccination with another agent, from a different manufacturer? – You cannot ask for a preparation change because it is set up so that it is not a wish concert. It vaccinates with what you have – emphasizes professor Drobnik.

AstraZeneca effective against the British variant

Virologist Prof. Włodzimierz Gut.

– So if others do not want a product that works well in the UK – buy it as much as possible. It may turn out that they will quickly want to buy it from us. If we had this vaccine for everyone, then in a month or two we would significantly control the epidemic Gut argued.

  1. Prof. Gut: If others don’t want AstraZeneki vaccine, let’s buy as much as possible

– After all, Great Britain is dominated by the British variant. And AstraZeneca works there in preventing this disease. In general, in the case of these variants, it should be said directly that it is not the variants that are dangerous during the epidemic, but the crazy ones – said prof. Gut.

This may interest you:

  1. Should we be afraid of the AstraZeneca vaccine? Prof. Simon explains
  2. Poland in 5th place in the world in the number of deaths. There are two reasons
  3. EMA: AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and effective

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