Expertise: Clarisonic skin cleanser

This time we have conducted an editorial review of the new Clarisonic daily facial cleanser.

The first Clarisonic model appeared in the USA in 2004. It was developed by five friends – scientists from Seattle, who had previously come up with the principle of operation of an electric toothbrush. In Russia, the device has been sold since the end of 2013. Editorial assistant Polina Kuzmicheva shared her opinion about the new product after a month of its daily use.

Operating principle

Clarisonic bristles make 300 micro movements per second. “This is the optimal speed, which allows you to deeply and at the same time gently cleanse the pores,” says one of the creators of the device Robb Akridge (Robb Akridge). The bristles are made of the softest material Supersoft (developed by Dupont for Clarisonic) and their tips are also rounded. All this minimizes damage to the skin. In addition to the main brush, there is a nozzle for the body and four for the face (against acne, for enlarged pores, sensitive and thin skin). Polina’s opinion: “The promise of Clarisonic to effectively and gently cleanse the face in one minute bribed me: I don’t like to spend a lot of time on self-care.”

Feature of application

Lots of cleansing gel, a richly moistened nozzle and no pressure on the skin – these are the necessary conditions for Clarisonic to work. “Women love to work their faces in circular motions. And I, like most men, brush as I please. In principle, the trajectory does not matter. The only area where the device cannot be used is the eyelids,” says Dr. Robb. Polina’s opinion: “Quiet buzzing and light massage of vibrating bristles have a relaxing effect. Twice a day, I applied a drop of facial wash to a damp brush and swept it over my face in circular motions, barely touching the skin. I really wanted to get rid of black dots on my nose, so I paid special attention to it. True, the brush was too big for him. To get to each section, you had to turn the tip of your nose with your fingers.

Promised effect

Soft skin, fresh complexion, reduction of wrinkles, narrowing of pores. According to Dr. Robb, 80% of people see a difference after two weeks, and after a month, everyone notices it without exception. Polina’s opinion: “At first I decided to use Clarisonic’s capabilities to the maximum and turned it on at the highest speed. But after two days, the cheeks turned red. Then I lowered the power, and everything returned to normal. More irritation and other unpleasant sensations did not appear, although my skin is sensitive, thin and dry. From the very first application, the face was refreshed, the skin shone and became softer. After a week, the number of black dots on the nose decreased, and after a month they were almost gone. I can’t say anything about the disappearance of wrinkles: I don’t have them yet.”

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