Expert: The increase in disease that we are currently observing proves that the coronavirus is active all the time
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We do not have to wait until autumn for the second wave of COVID-19 cases. The increase in the incidence that we are currently observing proves that the coronavirus is active all the time – told PAP Dr. Jerzy Jaroszewicz, chairman of the Silesian Branch of the Polish Epidemiological Society.

Loosening the restrictions promotes the growth of infections

«We have learned a lot about the coronavirus and we know that it is not a seasonal virus. Of course, a further increase in the incidence in the autumn and winter period is likely, but it will depend not so much on the climatic and weather conditions, but on what happens in terms of compliance with the principles of social distancing »- said Dr. Jaroszewicz.

The increase in the incidence that occurred in Poland during the summer holidays, with a record result of over 900 daily infections on Friday, August 21, is, according to the specialist, due to the easing of restrictions. “Going on vacations, parties, weddings, and most of all, the fact that we stopped wearing masks caused a wave of infections,” he said.

He reminded that the rules of social distancing, which are at least 1,5 meters, still apply. He emphasized that masks should be worn by everyone, because apart from a few exceptions, they are not harmful to health and do not cause a decrease in oxygen in the blood, but can only cause some discomfort. According to Dr. Jaroszewicz wearing masks can protect us not only against coronavirus, but also against massive flu and paragrip infectionsmost of which are in autumn.

«In the autumn season, about 3 million patients, i.e. 30 thousand people, report to doctors with symptoms of respiratory infections people a day. Therefore, we expect this number to increase to 50. people per day, if we add people suspected of COVID-19. As you know, the symptoms of influenza infection will be indistinguishable from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the first days of the onset of symptoms ”- he said.

The flu season will put a heavy strain on health

He pointed out that this situation will be a huge burden for the health service and we need to start preparing for it today. «With the current system, infectious diseases hospitals would not be able to test so many patients. It will be necessary to involve family doctors »- believes Dr. Jaroszewicz. He added that operating procedures must be created so that GPs know how to proceed and where to send patient samples. In his opinion, there are opportunities to conduct more tests in 180 laboratories operating in Poland.

He noted that it is also important to limit the potential number of people suffering from influenza and flu-like infections through vaccination. “On the one hand, it is a task for the health ministry to provide the right amount of vaccines, and on the other for doctors to convince Poles to vaccinate. It must be explained that there are practically no contraindications. Both older and young people should be vaccinated, as well as people with chronic diseases, pregnant women and people with immunity disorders »- said Dr. Jaroszewicz. He added that vaccination is “a training for the immune system and someone who gets vaccinated regularly suffers from other diseases”.

Before the fall-winter season, we should also take care to increase immunity. Doctor Jaroszewicz recommends simple methods: exercise in the fresh air and proper nutrition. Food should be rich in vitamins and trace elements. “Especially zinc and vitamin D are needed. In order for our lymphocytes to function properly, there must also be immunity cofactors such as vitamin C and B vitamins,” he said.

Doctor Jaroszewicz also advises to try to avoid the possibility of infection. «Why tempt fate and risk unnecessarily. Avoid trips, limit travel, but also family events. If we are lucky enough to live in a region where there is less virus, then let us not travel to where there is more of it. Let us remember that we will tame this virus sooner or later »- he said.

Author: Monika Witkowska

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