Expert: Heart failure more dangerous than many cancers

Heart failure is more dangerous than many malignant neoplasms, but the risk of death can be significantly reduced with appropriate treatment, argues Dr. Marcin Grabowski from the Medical University of Warsaw.

Already 1 million people suffer from this disease in Poland. Most of them, however, are unaware that they suffer from a condition that has twice the prognosis of breast cancer in women and bladder cancer. It poses a greater risk of death than prostate cancer in men and has a similar mortality to colon cancer.

In the case of heart failure, the five-year survival rate is only 25%. men and 38 percent. women. Meanwhile, the overall effectiveness of cancer treatment in Poland is already 40%.

Dr. Grabowski from the XNUMXst Department and Clinic of Cardiology of the Medical University of Warsaw claims that the risk of death due to heart failure can be reduced with appropriate treatment. It is best to start them before the disease is fully developed.

This applies especially to people after a heart attack and those who suffer from high blood pressure or coronary artery disease. They are most prone to heart failure manifested by shortness of breath, fatigue and less tolerance of exercise, as well as swelling of the feet, ankles, lower legs or abdomen.

When a heart attack occurs, it is important that patients take medications that inhibit the unfavorable remodeling of the heart muscle and thus reduce the risk of developing heart failure, emphasizes Dr. Grabowski. This action is shown by beta-blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (the so-called ACE inhibitors). Zawałowcy should take them basically throughout their lives.

In patients already suffering from heart failure, in addition to these two types of drugs, the so-called aldosterone antagonists. These drugs improve the contractility and strength of the heart muscle.

The latest guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) suggest the inclusion of a drug that slows down the work of the heart muscle. It is recommended for patients with heart failure who also have an increased heart rate. Research on SHIfT has shown that this treatment reduces the risk of death and hospitalization due to worsening symptoms of heart failure.

Appropriate pharmacotherapy improves the patients’ quality of life, but also saves the budget.

In some patients, in addition to pharmaceuticals, electrotherapy improves the prognosis. It is used in patients with severe cardiac arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation. They are implanted with cardioverter-defibrillators that monitor the work of the heart and are automatically activated when a dangerous arrhythmia occurs.

Increasingly, resynchronization stimulators are implanted to improve the contractility of the heart muscle. There are also the first devices that combine the functions of both of these devices, i.e. monitoring the heart rhythm and improving its work. They are recommended for people with severe heart failure who experience shortness of breath even during the slightest exertion. Some of them are not able to perform even basic life activities on their own.

Worldwide, 22 million people suffer from heart failure, and 2 million new cases are detected every year. It is predicted that in 20 years the number of patients in Poland will increase by at least 25%. (PAP)

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