Expectant mother vs restaurants! Check which menu to choose?
Expectant mother vs restaurants! Check which menu to choose?

A well-balanced diet during pregnancy is very important for the expectant mother and her child. What she eats during nine months determines the pace of her baby’s development, his health and condition after birth. Usually, the problem of expectant mothers is not to replace the drink with fruit juice, but to adjust the food eaten so as to avoid the empty calories contained in sweets and fast food. How to choose what is the most valuable, especially when you usually eat out?

There are a few rules to follow when choosing a menu in a restaurant, and then it will turn out that eating out does not have to be unhealthy and not very nutritious for you and your little one. You will make a good choice by focusing on wholegrain bread, oven-baked or grilled meat. Boiled fish, poultry or lean pieces of meat, vegetable and fruit salads rich in vitamins, boiled potatoes, light sauces, paddy rice as additions to the main course will be perfect. Instead of foods with a high fat content, choose additives such as olive oil.

You can eat in almost any restaurant, even those offering world cuisine. If you are a fan of spices and like Indian cuisine, there you will find dishes rich in protein, fish and poultry, vegetable dishes and paddy rice. Italian cuisine will offer you fish, chicken, grilled veal. It is a cuisine rich in vegetables, aromatic tomato sauces, cream replaced with healthy olive oil. You can eat pizza, pasta and lots of vegetables. You will find similar solutions in Spanish cuisine or you will find there dishes with the addition of olive oil, low-fat cheeses, whole grain tortillas and paddy rice. Eat delicious and healthy soups such as gazpacho, eat salsa. If you choose a restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine, e.g. Greek, order fish and roasted poultry. Try the whole grain pita with vegetable salad and cheese. Also very popular Chinese restaurants do not have to be avoided by you; you will find there aromatic soups and steamed noodles.

You must avoid fried dishes there, stuffed Chinese patties, do not eat soy sauce. Unfortunately you can’t eat Japanese sushi and seafood. You can choose cooked Japanese stew and use dipping sauces, they do not contain fat. If you are a busy mom-to-be and you don’t have time to eat in a restaurant, choose a salad bar. They offer a really large amount of healthy vegetable and fruit solutions. You can compose your own dish. Avoid only mayonnaise and cream sauces, replace them with natural yoghurt, use olive oil and light sauces without fat. Eat tuna, lean meat, add lettuce, tomato, cucumber to your salad. A quick solution is a sandwich with turkey and vegetable side dishes. Eggs, cheese or omelettes will be great.

What do you especially need to avoid?

Particularly fast food – if you happen to eat a hamburger, nothing bad will happen if it’s a one-time event. Avoid ribs, fat-fried meat, and vegetables fried in the same way. Allow yourself a dessert from time to time, but choose those with fresh fruit, with a small amount of sugar. Remember your diet is also your child’s diet.

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