Wday.ru found out which of the celebrities was not limited to cats and dogs in the household.
A lion and a donkey, an anteater and a pig, a fawn and a chimpanzee – if you put together all the animals that Hollywood stars owned (though some still keep them), you get a very outlandish menagerie.
The very first and main star of the steep-hip Kardashian family acquired not only an army of millions of fans, but also a whole staff of copies. “Data-v-16fc2d4a =” “height =” 600 ″ width = “480 ″>
For example, the Kim Kardashian family has a new pet. Her oldest daughter North has always wanted a home spider. But then Kim, despite all her love for children, rested: the star is terribly afraid of spiders. But a compromise was still found. An iguana appeared in the Kardashian house. The “bearded dragon” was named Speedy, dressed in pajamas from the Skims brand and glued to the forehead with a rhinestone: in the house of the queen of glamor, everything should correspond to her rank. Even an iguana.
“I didn’t think I’d like Speedy so much,” Kardashian wonders. – She already has her own wardrobe and jewelry. North and her dragon always and everywhere walk together, it’s so cute! “
For example, Beyoncé – the pop diva admitted that she keeps … bees at home. And not a dozen somewhere in the terrarium, but two hives. As the queen told r’n’b in an interview with the British
“They have been living at my house for a long time. I have about 80 bees and we make hundreds of honey jars a year, ”said the singer.
The method is dubious, given the allergenicity of honey itself, but Beyoncé knows better.
Or, for example, Salma Hayek: she decided to have an owl at home. And this despite the fact that by that time the actress already had a cat, eight dogs, five parrots, five horses, four rabbits, four alpacas, two fish, two guinea pigs, a hamster, turkeys and about twenty chickens on the ranch.
Of course, unusual animals are sometimes kept not only by celebrities, but also by ordinary people. There can be many reasons for this, and it’s not just a special love for our smaller brothers – sometimes the decision to have an animal “not like everyone else” is dictated simply by a desire to stand out. Or, as is the case with some stars, to confirm his status – Timati, for example, is very proud of his cats, which look more like tigers.
Take, for example, boxer Mike Tyson: at the zenith of his career, he sometimes won even before entering the ring. And all because the rivals were elementary afraid of his bestial rage and, having already found themselves face to face with him, dreamed of one thing: to get out of the ring to hell. So, having acquired a tiger as a pet, Mike only strengthened his image of a fighter, with whom even natural-born predators are afraid to get involved. And Salvador Dali? Could this outrageous genius have acquired a banal mongrel? Of course not. But an anteater – he could very well. Which he actually did.
What other unusual animals live in the houses of the stars, see our photo selection.
Lyubov Prishlaya, Olga Nesmelova