Exhibitionists: what pleasure in exhibitionism?

Exhibitionists: what pleasure in exhibitionism?

Exhibitionism involves exposing your genitals – breasts, sex – in public. The exhibitionist is excited by the gaze of others on his anatomy, and feels more pleasure in achieving enjoyment for all to see. If this paraphilia is punished by law, the exhibitionist couple to a lesser extent can indulge in it discreetly.

Exhibitionism: a paraphilia suppressed by law

In the strict sense of the term, exhibitionism is a real pathology. In the family of paraphilias – like sadomasochism or fetishism, among others – it is one of the deviant practices punishable by criminal law in France.

Penal sanctions for exhibitionism

Article 222-32 of the Penal Code defines exhibitionism as the fact for the exhibitionist man or woman to impose in the sight of others, in a public place, his practices and his sexual organs. This practice is punishable by one year’s imprisonment as well as a fine of up to € 15.

A characterized mental disorder

Beyond a criminal offense, exhibitionism represents a real pathology. The exhibitionist man or woman only feels sexual arousal on condition of showing himself in public: exposing his genitals – his breasts, his buttocks and mainly his penis – but also showing off his sexual practices. The exhibitionist, to feel sexual pleasure, needs to masturbate in full view. A proven mental disorder, exhibitionism can be cured by means of therapy which generally includes medication and psychiatric monitoring.

But if exhibitionism is akin to a psychiatric disorder, certain more moderate forms can approach a simple fantasy. 

Exhibitionist couple: how to satisfy their sexual urges in public places?

To spice up their sexuality, to satisfy a sudden and intense urge or to test other forms of sexual pleasure, partners may wish to indulge in sexual antics in public places. When this desire is expressed in a very specific way, and does not condition the enjoyment of lovers, this moderate form of exhibitionism is not considered pathological, but is more akin to the fantasy of the unusual place. However, insofar as exhibitionism exposes to heavy penalties, it must be practiced with caution.

Make love in a public place without being seen

Because the partners are seized with a sudden desire for sex, because adulterous couples or adolescents do not have the material possibility of having sex at home, or when the couple wants to spice up their sex life , the public place is the unusual place of choice. In the car, in the restroom of a restaurant, on a beach or in a park, there are many possibilities, and the fear of getting caught in the act usually increases the excitement and the pleasure. On the other hand, getting caught can have serious consequences: it is essential for the exhibitionist couple to practice in all discretion. 

The dangers of exhibitionism

Exhibitionism can present a danger, not only to the exhibitionist but also to people who are exposed without their consent to the sight of their sexual practices and organs.

The exhibitionist, frustrated by his shameful impulses

When exhibitionism is a pathology, this form of paraphilia can be a source of significant frustration. The exhibitionist, on the one hand, does not manage to be aroused in private, without the presence of the gaze of others, on the other hand, he has difficulty in achieving sexual pleasure. In a relationship, the exhibitionist can disturb the partner who considers his desires as deviant. Lack of fulfillment in his sexuality, view of others and penal sanctions: the exhibitionist lives a difficult daily life. To this extent, it is strongly recommended to consult a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Exhibitionism, a danger to others

Because it involves imposing one’s sexuality on others in the absence of mutual consent, this paraphilia can be disturbing for the public in the presence of the exhibitionist man or woman. Especially when it comes to young children, the sight of genitals can create trauma: because this part of the anatomy is supposed to be part of the intimacy, because it can be traumatic for a child. child to see an adult take pleasure in being naked. 

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