Exhibitionism – causes and treatment. Exhibitionist’s mechanism of action

Exhibitionism is a sexual preference disorder involving the achievement of sexual satisfaction by exposing oneself to a person of the opposite sex. The pleasure derived from it comes from arousing fear precisely by showing the genitals. This reaction of fear or shock (sometimes combined with curiosity) increases the excitement of the exhibitionist, who additionally masturbates less often. Importantly, the need to expose oneself is so strong that the feeling of shame disappears. Uncertainty and the fear of being caught or recognized are a side stimulus for the release of tension for the exhibitionist.

Ekshibicjonism like paraphilia it affects almost exclusively men (most often between the ages of 20 and 50), while in terms of exposing, which is one of the symptoms of mental impairment or mental illness (epilepsy with impaired consciousness, dementia syndrome, simple schizophrenia), it is more common in patients women. It is possible, however, that the need to undress in front of strangers is also felt by healthy women, but they are relieved by dressing in very skimpy outfits.

Exhibitionism – causes

It is not entirely clear what is the cause of exhibitionism. Research does not show any relationship between ekshibicjonizmem and the level of education, profession or the environment he comes from.

Each paraphilia it has its origin, for example, in a personality disorder or in some childhood incident. In this context, it is possible (though not fully confirmed) that the cause exhibitionism there is childhood abuse by a pedophile, premature or unusual sexual initiation or experienced violence.

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Ekshibicjonism it is characteristic mainly for people with very low self-esteem. Causing terror in a stranger gives them a sense of power that allows them to compensate for being underappreciated or indulgently treated in everyday environments (for example, at work).

Among other potentials the causes of exhibitionism head injuries, childhood ADHD or high testosterone levels are distinguished. In older men, this deviation can sometimes be the result of atherosclerotic processes in the brain or brain tumors.

Exhibitionism – the way it works

Exhibitionist as a rule, it does not pose a threat. Usually works at dusk or in the morning. He chooses rather secluded places such as parks, gates, alleys. Usually he undresses in front of a single woman walking, less often in front of a larger group, because then the risk of being humiliated increases. Research shows that the victim ekshibicjonisty there is no risk of rape. However, she may encounter scaring, the offender deliberately inducing a shock to make her scream. In this case, we are dealing with a variety exhibitionism called peodeictophilia.

Exhibitionism – legal consequences

Disrobing in public places it is offense punishable. A person who behaves indecently may be fined in accordance with Art. 140 and art. 141 of the Code Offenses. Exhibitionist there is a risk of arrest, restriction of liberty, a fine of up to PLN 1500 or a reprimand. Persons under the age of 15 face 12 years in prison for displaying “sexual activity”.

Exhibitionism – treatment

Ekshibicjonism one can to treatbut before that it must be well diagnosed. In this case, the diagnostic procedure includes:

  1. general history and research in terms of neurology. If the patient has had a head injury or is suspected, a computerized tomography (CT) of the head or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is performed,
  2. examination by a psychiatrist who determines the mental state of the patient, excludes possible mental diseases, mental retardation and even depression,
  3. blood tests for the level of sex hormones, especially testosterone,
  4. blood and urine tests for the presence of psychoactive substances,
  5. assessment of sexual behavior,
  6. checking if the respondent has a tendency to use violence, pedophilia, aggression.

If, on the basis of the results of the above-mentioned tests, the patient is unequivocally classified as exhibitionist, he must give up therapywhich uses elements psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, aversive techniques (inducing a feeling of disgust with exposing oneself) and pharmacotherapy (for example drugs that lower testosterone levels). Goal therapy is to teach the patient to recognize an impending need and to control it.

Emotional and Internet exhibitionism

Word “ekshibicjonizm” means “disrobing”which also applies to people who have nothing to hide. They feel a strong, uncontrolled need to share their thoughts, experiences, family troubles, plans, etc. emotional blackmail. There is also a modern form of self-expression that it enables Internet. Emotional exhibitionists they can write a blog – a specific type of diary that anyone can read.

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