Exercises with a stroller – characteristics, when to start ?, advantages, rules [EXPLAINED]
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Exercises with a wheelchair are a suitable solution for mothers who do not have time to exercise at home or go to the gym. Difficulty losing extra pounds after pregnancy strongly affects the well-being of a young mother, so exercises with a stroller can be an ideal proposition for many women. Check what is worth knowing about this form of physical activity.

Exercises with a stroller make it easy to lose weight after pregnancy. In this way, you can also diversify your current workouts or exercises performed at home. Importantly, we can combine physical activity with a walk with the child in the fresh air. So we don’t waste time and we do two things at the same time.

Exercises with a stroller – characteristics

Exercises with a stroller are called strollercize. It is an excellent example of human ingenuity. These are properly prepared exercises, created directly for moms with prams. Today, strollercise is a fitness discipline. It was invented by Elizabeth Trindade, now the owner of the fitness club. Exercise is to help women get back into shape after pregnancy.

Exercises with a stroller – when to start?

Exercises with a wheelchair, like other forms of activity, can be started after the puerperium period, i.e. after approx. 6-8 weeks. However, it is worth remembering that in the case of a caesarean, the puerperium may take up to 12 weeks. In any case, regardless of the situation, it is necessary to consult your gynecologist who will decide to start exercising.

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Exercises with a stroller – advantages

The biggest advantage of exercising with a stroller is the fact that a newly minted mother does not have to part with her baby during training. In this case, the presence of a child is essential in order to practice this particular way.

The specificity of this activity is so great that many women make friendships in this way and form a group that supports each other in many issues not only related to motherhood. In addition, in this way we teach children to develop healthy habits. Children are aware from an early age that sport is good for health.

Another advantage is that we do exercises with a pram mainly outdoors, so we oxygenate ourselves and the child. However, it is very important to remember about the proper technique of exercising so that you do not get injured or injured.

The problem is also not a crying or very mobile child, because the caregiver can stop training at any time and take care of the baby. Importantly, exercises with a wheelchair do not mean constant walks or jogging. Most of the exercises are done in place.

Additionally, remember that you decide when to do your training and adjust the time and length of training to your daily schedule. For many mums it is also very important that they do not have to involve third parties in their care, because the baby is with his mother all the time.

In addition, the child should not get bored during such training with your baby. Toddler in a stroller he can observe his mother and the surroundings all the time, so there is no time to be bored.

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Exercises with a stroller – rules

The basic principle of exercising with a wheelchair is to have any stroller. Its model, brand or price does not matter here. The age of a woman or a man (because dads also walk with the baby) is also not an obstacle.

To perform exercises with a stroller, you will need comfortable sports shoes, clothes adapted to the weather, drinking water, small healthy snacks as well as toys and other accessories for the child. The rules of exercising with a stroller are:

  1. you can start the exercises with the consent of your gynecologist;
  2. exercises should not directly involve the abdominal muscles (they are then completely safe for women after pregnancy);
  3. initial exercises should be performed without load;
  4. exercises should be performed 3 times a week, and on other days walk quickly with the child;
  5. if the baby keeps the head straight, it can be moved from the stroller to the scarf;
  6. running with a stroller is only possible if you have a special jogging stroller. Remember that to exercise with a stroller, you need a regular stroller, but you cannot jog with it.

Exercises with a wheelchair – sample exercises

Exercising with a stroller is not only a walk, but also a training involving the whole body. As with any training, exercises with a wheelchair should start with a warm-up, then we move on to the proper training, which we finish with stretching and relaxing exercises.

Sample exercises with a pram have:

  1. exercises with a stroller to strengthen the lower parts of the body, i.e. back, buttocks and thighs – we hold the stroller with both hands by the handle and lean the weight of the body on it. Then bend your knees and point one leg backwards, stay in this position for a few moments. We change the leg and repeat the exercise several times, depending on the level of our advancement. This exercise can also be done at home, even with your baby in your arms;
  2. exercises with a wheelchair to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs – we stand in front of the wheelchair and swing one leg backwards. In this position, we grab the handle of the stroller with one hand, the leg stays in a step and bend the knee of the other leg. We stay in this position for a while and return to the starting position. We change sides and repeat the exercise. We do a dozen or so repetitions on each side;
  3. Exercise with a stroller stretching the muscles of the spine, chest and abdominal muscles – firmly grasp the handle of the stroller and place your legs hip-width apart. Perform a squat while moving the wheelchair away from you. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. Pull the wheelchair towards you. We repeat the exercise several times. Importantly, during the exercise, you can successfully swing your baby in a stroller and, for example, put him to sleep.

As you can see, exercises with a pram are not very strenuous for women right after giving birth. Therefore, they are an excellent proposition for women starting to regain shape after pregnancy. Initially, these can only be walks, and over time, they can be diversified with further exercises that can be performed on the spot.

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