Exercises with a barbell – types. How to do them so that they bring results?

Exercises with a barbell are recommended to all those who want to strengthen their muscles, increase their strength and develop them. However, doing them at home requires self-determination and self-discipline. It is important that the movements are precise, and the load should be selected so that each repetition of the exercise generates a lot of effort. What exercises with a barbell do you see the results?

Exercises with a barbell – what should you remember?

First of all, we have to choose a weight that is appropriate to our abilities. It should be such that we do not struggle with it, but can freely perform the exercises. Remember that technique, not the weight alone, is the most important thing when exercising. Incorrectly performing exercises with the barbell can lead to various types of injuries and injuries. Exercises with the barbell should be performed slowly and accurately.

Before proceeding with the exercises, you should do a short warm-up that will allow your muscles to pre-stretch and minimize the risk of future injuries. In order to properly perform the following exercises, in addition to the barbell, we will also need an appropriate load.

Exercises with a barbell – types

The best known exercise with a barbell is the deadlift. During this exercise, we engage the trapezius muscle and muscles: shoulder, body, forearms, glutes, thighs and calves. The above exercise with a barbell should be performed as follows: stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The toes of the feet should be placed under the barbell. Then do the squat. Grab the barbell with the overgrip. The rapture for this exercise with the barbell should be slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. When we are properly positioned, we should raise the barbell. We do it by rolling it over the thighs and pull it to the stomach. In the last phase of this exercise with a barbell, tighten your shoulder blades tightly. Put the barbell down. During this exercise with a barbell, 18 muscles are involved in the work.

The second exercise is the barbell charge while standing. During this exercise with a barbell, the following muscles are involved in work: trapezius, deltoid, torso, gluteal and quadriceps muscles. To correctly perform the barbell charge while standing, you need to slightly bend your knees. The barbell must rest on your thighs. Keep your arms straight and your shoulders above the bar. Then lean a little forward. The next step is to make the allegation. In this barbell exercise, you must dynamically straighten your knees and hips, and simultaneously lift your shoulders and bend your arms. The body should be lowered in relation to the barbell. The last one is supporting the barbell against the chest.

The third exercise with a barbell is bench press over the head. During this exercise with a barbell, the following muscles are engaged: trapezius, deltoid and triceps. How to do them correctly? The first step is to bring your hands together in such a way that the bar is held with the shoulder-width grip. Then you should slightly bend your legs at the knees and hips. The back must be straight and the chest must be detached. We proceed to the exercise. With a dynamic movement, straighten your legs and at the same time squeeze the barbell over your head. Then stop the movement for a while and then go back to the starting position. When doing this exercise with a barbell, be careful with your nose and chin. Also remember not to fully straighten your elbows.

For the fourth exercise, we recommend barbell squats. It is one of the favorite exercises of every woman, because the parties working on it include, among others, quadriceps and gluteal muscles. When preparing to perform the exercise, rest the barbell on your collarbones. Then raise your elbows so that your arms are parallel to the ground. Tilt your head back slightly and keep your back straight. If we have adopted the correct position for the above exercise with the barbell, we can proceed to its performance. We push the hips back and bend the legs at the knees. Then we lower the position so that the thighs are parallel to the ground. Then we stop the movement for a moment and return to the starting position.

The fifth exercise with a barbell, which is very popular among trainers, is push-ups. During this exercise with a barbell, the following muscle groups are involved in the work: pectoral, shoulder, triceps and torso. During this exercise, put the barbell on the ground. Then we perform a propped squat, and then we throw our legs backwards. To put it simply, we have to assume the same position as when we perform classic push-ups. When performing this exercise with a barbell, remember to tighten the muscles of the body. This will prevent your hips from dropping off. We can proceed to the exercise. Bend your arms at the elbows and lower the position until the chest touches the bar. Pause the position for a moment, then return to the position you took at the beginning. Be careful that the bar does not roll on the floor.

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