Exercises to stylize and strengthen legs and buttocks in eight minutes

Exercises to stylize and strengthen legs and buttocks in eight minutes

Ballet Fit

Gloria Morales, creator of Ballet Fit, proposes with this session a fitness routine to tone legs and buttocks

Exercises to stylize and strengthen legs and buttocks in eight minutes25

If there is a successful routine on any fitness channel, that is undoubtedly that of legs and buttocks, and Gloria Morales, creator of Ballet Fit and a graduate in Physical Education, assures us that they are two of the areas of our body that concern us the most: “This routine of legs and buttocks is ideal to achieve a harmonious, elegant and toned body.”

To carry out these exercises you will need a point of support, which may well be a ballet bar or a chair with a high back, comfortable clothing and, if possible, dance shoes or socks in order to stretch every inch of your feet. And do not worry if you have practiced ballet before, this session that Gloria Morales has prepared has been designed for all types of profiles. By listening to their corrections and explanations, you will be able to carry it out without any problem.

This Ballet Fit routine was recorded on the premises of The Corporate Gym.

Exercise 1 and 2

In first position, with external opening of the feet and the hands resting on the bar, we do eight plies. When we have done these eight plies, and keeping the same position, we do eight bounces.

3 Exercise

Then, and also in first position, we bring the right leg over the relevé, we perform eight pliés at the time we inhale and on each exhale we bring the right heel to the ground. Once we have done the exercise, we do eight bounces in the same position. Once we have finished it, we repeat the same exercise but taking the left foot to relief.

4 Exercise

To do this exercise, we start from first position and do eight plies while lifting both heels in relevé. Afterwards, and also in the plie position, we did eight rebounds in relevé with both feet, touching the ground with the heels in each descent.

Exercise 5 and 6

We continue with Gloria Morales’ training, but now we start in second position, that is, the same as the first position but with our feet further apart. We do eight plies. When these eight plies have been done, we do eight bounces.

7 Exercise

Next, and also in second position, we take the right leg to relevé, that is, the heel comes off the ground, and we perform eight plies supporting the right heel on each descent. When these eight plies have been made, we bounce eight in the same position. Then remember to repeat the exercise but with the left foot.

8 Exercise

This exercise also starts in second position. We will do eight plies while raising and lowering both heels. Then, and keeping the plie, we do eight relevés with both heels.

When we have finished all eight exercises, you can repeat the Ballet Fit session as many times as you like.

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