Exercises to strengthen back muscles

Exercises to strengthen back muscles

Don’t have time to go to the pool regularly? Can’t swim or are afraid of water? This set of exercises can easily replace swimming workouts – the main thing is to do them at least three times a week. Strengthen your back and improve your posture from the comfort of your home!

Exercises to strengthen back muscles

Exercise # 1

Starting position: lie on the floor on your stomach, arms with palms facing downward, stretch forward.

Raise your arms and legs a few centimeters from the floor, then at the same time raise only your left arm and right leg even higher (as shown in photo A). Watch your breath! Keep your head and chest elevated. Change position – now raise your right arm and left leg (photo B). Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise # 2

On all fours, straighten your arms and legs at the same time so that your body forms an angle (as shown in photo A). Lower your head down, you should see your feet.

While in this position, quickly lower your hips to the floor while lifting your upper body so that your chest, along with your neck and head, forms a straight and preferably vertical line (as shown in photo B). Repeat the exercise 10 times.

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Exercise # 3

For this exercise, you will need a rolled towel or thin blanket. Get into a supine position – so that your left hand is on the towel and your right hand is on the floor (as shown in photo A).

Bend your arms, lowering your torso, but without touching the floor with your chest. Try to do at least 10 push-ups. Change hands – put the right one on the roller, and put the left one on the floor. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise # 4

Starting position: Stand straight with your arms at your sides. Bend your legs slightly at the knees (as shown in photo A).

Pull back your right leg while lowering your torso so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Spread your arms out to the sides (palms down) so that they are in line with your shoulders (photo B). Stay in this position for at least 10 seconds, then switch legs and repeat the exercise. Do 20 reps. If you find it difficult to maintain balance, do the exercise leaning on a chair or wall.

In the section “FITNESS” read also:

  • How to get new buttocks in 4 weeks. For the right to possess luxurious buttocks, many of the fairer sex would not regret anything. However, WDay.ru only asks for four weeks and a little patience!
  • 15 minute complex for a firmer belly. These exercises are developed by trainers at the New York fitness club. If you do the complex at least three times a week, the result will not be long in coming: your stomach, as well as shoulders, legs and even buttocks will start a completely different life!
  • Autumn complex: charge for 10 minutes. Summer is over, but this does not mean that now you can relax and forget about your figure! WDay.ru has prepared an autumn complex that will help you get in great shape, exercising for only a few minutes a day.

Exercise # 5

To complete this exercise, you will again need a rolled towel. Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Press your feet to the floor (as shown in photo A).

Place the roller between your knees and try to hold it during the following movements. Lift your hips off the floor so that your torso finally forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees (photo B). Don’t let the towel slip out! Get down to the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Exercise # 6

Starting position: Lying on the floor, spread your arms and legs so that your body resembles the letter X. At the same time, raise your head, arms and legs a few centimeters from the floor (as shown in photo A).

From this position, extend your left leg up so that it is at a 90-degree angle. Try to reach the toe with your right hand (photo B). Return to the starting position with your arms and legs raised off the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

In the section “FITNESS” read also:

  • How to get new buttocks in 4 weeks. For the right to possess luxurious buttocks, many of the fairer sex would not regret anything. However, WDay.ru only asks for four weeks and a little patience!
  • 15 minute complex for a firmer belly. These exercises are developed by trainers at the New York fitness club. If you do the complex at least three times a week, the result will not be long in coming: your stomach, as well as shoulders, legs and even buttocks will start a completely different life!
  • Autumn complex: charge for 10 minutes. Summer is over, but this does not mean that now you can relax and forget about your figure! WDay.ru has prepared an autumn complex that will help you get in great shape, exercising for only a few minutes a day.

Exercise # 7

Starting position: sit on your left side, leaning on your left arm bent at the elbow. The right hand is pressed to the body. In this case, your right foot should be in front of the left (see photo A).

Lower your hips to the floor, and then lift them up quickly – as high as you can. At the same time, pull your right hand forward and up (over your head) – as shown in photo B. Take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times, then roll over to the other side.

Exercise # 8

Starting position: Lie on your stomach with your arms outstretched at shoulder level (as shown in photo A). Raise your right leg bent at the knee.

Turning your torso slightly, try to reach your left arm with the toe of your right foot (photo B). Stay in this position for two seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times, then change legs.

Based on materials from Womenshealthmag.com.

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