Exercises to reduce the inner thighs with the Pin Twins

Exercises to reduce the inner thighs with the Pin Twins


The personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Pin Twins, propose this week a routine of five exercises to reduce one of the most difficult areas to work: the inner thigh

Exercises to reduce the inner thighs with the Pin TwinsPM1:52

The rubbing of the inner thighs it is uncomfortable and even painful, especially in the summer months, when it is hot, you sweat more and wear garments that promote contact of the thighs (dresses, skirts or baggy pants). That is why personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Gemelas Pin, propose this week in ABC Bienestar a routine of five exercises to reduce the volume of the thighs, that area of ​​the body that, in addition, is one of those that usually costs the most to work.

Routine to reduce thighs

Total time
15-18 minutes
20 (each exercise)
TV Shows
30 ” (between series)

Last week the Pin Twins, who have more than 80.000 followers on Instagram, proposed a challenge to tone the body with four intense exercises that had to be done without rest and the previous one they encouraged to raise the heart rate with a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) routine. ). Although without a doubt the ones that are having the most success these days are the specific tables to work the buttocks and achieve a flat stomach.

This week’s routine includes five exercises that can be done in about 15-18 minutes. For the table to be effective, the Pin Twins propose 20 repetitions of each exercise (pay attention to those in which only one leg must be worked first and then the other because the time doubles), three series and a 30-second rest between each Serie.

Exercise 1: Work with the abductor

To perform this exercise we lie on our back and raise our extended legs. Then we will open and close the legs (try to reach your maximum) giving small bounces when you reach your maximum opening. Remember to keep your back and arms close to the ground and your abdomen activated.

Exercise 2: Side plank with knee and elbow flexion

To do this exercise we will place ourselves in a lateral plank position, supporting the forearm and a bent knee. With the other knee we will do flexions and extensions trying to bring the knee to the elbow, which will also be flexed. Remember to keep your abdomen activated and your hips parallel to the ground. Next, we will repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Exercise 3: Side Plank with Extended Leg Bounces

We continue in the lateral plank position, leaning on the forearm and the flexed leg. To perform the exercise, we will extend the leg that is not resting on the ground and we will raise it as much as possible upwards, bouncing without touching the ground or lightly brushing it. Then we will repeat the exercise to the other side.

Exercise 4: Side Lunges

We will stand up and take continuous strides towards the same side, giving small bounces and returning in each one of them to the starting position. Then we will repeat the exercise to the other side.

Exercise 5: Abdominal Raise with Extended Legs

Sitting on the ground we will support the palms of the hands by slightly flexing the elbows and we will raise the legs open and extended, with the feet in flex resting on the floor with a brief touch in each elevation. By raising the legs we will slightly bring the body towards the legs to support the movement.

To achieve medium-term results, the personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda propose to practice this exercise routine to work the inner face of the thighs twice a week.

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