Exercises to reduce the cheeks. Video
Thick cheeks can appear due to the special shape of the cheekbones, but often they also become a consequence of excess weight. At the same time, even after losing weight, sometimes it is not possible to achieve the desired oval of the face. However, you can solve the problem with a few simple exercises.
Exercises to reduce cheeks
The easiest exercises for chubby cheeks
To effectively reduce cheek volume at home, it is enough to devote a few minutes daily to simple exercises. If you want not only to correct the oval of the face, but also to improve your mood, do the exercise “wide smile”. First, close your lips tightly, as children do when a spoon with the hated porridge is brought to their mouths. Wait 5-6 seconds, then smile as wide as you can and fix the position again for 5-6 seconds. After that, wrinkle your nose, relax your muscles, and wrinkle again. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
It is advisable to perform facial gymnastics in front of a mirror, because in this case, quality is much more important than quantity. Watch your facial expressions. After exercising, be sure to rinse your skin with cool water.
Try another simple exercise. Pout your lips and tighten your cheeks as hard as you can. Then pull your lips out with a straw and inflate them again. Repeat the exercise 15 times every day. When doing it, it is important to make sure that the muscles of the face are tense as much as possible. The effectiveness of the exercise will depend on this.
How to quickly shrink cheeks
The inflation exercise helps to cope with thick cheeks very well. Press your lips together tightly, and then begin to gradually fill your mouth with air. The feeling of tightness will grow. When the cheeks are as tense as possible, hold the air for 7-10 seconds, and then release it.
Once you’ve mastered this exercise, try making it harder: fill one cheek with air, wait a few seconds, and then inflate the other. Repeat the exercise daily, and after 2-3 weeks the results will be noticeable. You can perform such simple gymnastics even while reading or watching TV.
Another simple exercise will help to reduce the cheeks. Pull your lips out as if you were making the “O” sound. You can really stretch this vowel, sing it. Then stretch your lips and say “And”. Make sure that the muscles in your cheeks are very tense.
Repeat the exercise for 10 minutes a day, and the result will not be long in coming.
This workout can be supplemented to improve the effect. Close your eyes, relax your facial muscles, then tighten your cheeks and say the syllable “phew.” Repeat it over and over for a few minutes, making sure the muscles are tense. This is a great exercise for deep working out the muscles of the cheeks.