Exercises to reduce calves on the legs. Video
Too full calves visually shorten the legs and give the figure unnecessary massiveness. It is difficult to get rid of this deficiency. But, regularly and intensively performing a set of specially selected exercises, you can make your calves and ankles more graceful, at the same time improving your gait.
Exercises to reduce calves on the legs
Features of leg correction
Fitness instructors believe that female calves are a part of the body that is difficult to correct. Too full legs, wide ankles and voluminous knees can be due to heredity, and it is almost impossible to completely get rid of these shortcomings. However, this does not mean that you will have to hide your legs under your clothes all your life. With the help of specially selected exercises, you can remove excess body fat and slim your legs. They will not become thin, but they will take on more regular forms. In addition, gymnastics will help correct some defects – for example, X-shaped or O-shaped curvature of the legs.
To achieve noticeable results, repeat each exercise as many times as possible in several approaches, and do them with good amplitude and at a fast pace. Do not forget to warm up – it will help to avoid injury and pain. Be sure to do some stretching exercises after class.
For best results, make dietary changes. Increase fiber while reducing lean protein foods
A set of exercises for calves
Start with a light warm-up – dance to fast music for 5-7 minutes. Then proceed to the main complex. Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulders. Rise on your toes, lock your body in this position and lower yourself down on your entire foot. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
Repeat the toes lift, but turn your feet toes inward. Exercise so that you feel the tension in the calf area. Move fast enough.
Walk, bike, and swim between sessions to help keep your calf muscles toned.
Lie on your back, stretch your legs, place your palms under the buttocks. Shade the socks towards you, raise your legs 30-40 cm above the floor and move them up and down, imitating the movement of scissors. Tighten your calf muscles, not your thighs. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
The starting position is the same. Pull your socks out, then pull them towards you, feeling the tension in your calves. Repeat the exercise 20 times, standing with your hands on the wall. Take your left leg back, straining your calves as much as possible. Lock your body in this position for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Try a simple yet effective step platform exercise. Climb it alternately with one or the other leg.
Exercise at a very fast pace – it burns excess fat well
Place your foot on the platform not on your toes, but on your entire foot.
Finally, do a stretching exercise – it will consolidate the result of gymnastics and tone the muscles well. Lunge forward with your left knee bent and your right leg extended. Do not bend the knee of your right leg. Hold this position for 5-6 seconds, then stand up and repeat the lunge with the other leg.
Do calf exercises every other day. Start with one approach 20 times, after a week increase the approaches to 2, and later to 3. You will see the first results in a month, and after six months you will be happy to wear short skirts, proud of the graceful shapes of your legs.
Also interesting to read: Shiatsu massage.