Exercises that help you prepare your body for skiing
This is the training that will prevent injuries and fatigue in the ski season

On the bridge in December, the skis, the board of «snowboard», Boots, snow goggles and all the necessary arsenal to open the season when family and friends come together in a unforgettable getaway to a completely white landscape, with steep mountains and incredible views. The stations have already opened their doors, full of snow and waiting for the arrival of hundreds of people who patiently wait for this moment to arrive. But how does the body prepare for this day?
Although the ski season only lasts a third of the year, experts do not advise practicing this sport without first exercising the body properly, so to avoid injuries or possible falls, personal trainers have prepared a short list with the ideal training to be carried out by all those who are going to immerse themselves in this adventure. Being in shape for the first run has never been so easy: by following this table of basic exercises you can be ready to slide down the slopes and think only about enjoying yourself. The cold, the smell of freshly fallen snow, the adrenalina… It is an experience that no one will want to miss. This training will make us not get tired at the first change!
One of the most basic exercises and one that is not always done correctly. With the feet hip-width apart, the Straight back and the abdominal contracted, lower the hips flexing the knees until having a 90 degree angle. On the rise, push your heels against the ground and return to the starting position, contracting your glutes.
Translated into Spanish it is «thrust» or «thrust». With the feet hip-width apartWith the back straight and the abdominal contracted, move forward with one foot maintaining the initial alignment and unload the weight of the body on the leg, placing the knee at a 90 degree angle without the opposite leg touching the ground. Check that the ball of the back foot touches the ground. Raise yourself in the same way until you return to the starting position.
Step up
With your feet hip-width apart, your back straight, and your abdomen contracted, place one foot on a bench and lift your entire body to the top of the bench. Once there, lightly support the opposite foot and return to the starting position leaning on the same foot that you used for the climb. Repeat the exercise starting with the opposite foot.
With the body lying on the ground, feet apart at the height of the hip and leaning on the floor with your legs bent, raise your trunk with your back straight. Lower yourself slowly and return to the starting position.
Lie on your stomach, feet hip-width apart, legs straight, back straight, and elbows aligned with your shoulders and bent 90 degrees. Activates the abdomen to protect the lower back and keep the body fully aligned and parallel to the dream. Hold in this position for about 30 seconds.