Exercises that help improve the effects of cellulite

Exercises that help improve the effects of cellulite


In addition to sports, genetics and diet play a fundamental role in the appearance of cellulite

Exercises that help improve the effects of cellulite

Cellulite or “orange peel” arises as an accumulation of fat in certain parts of the body, which is usually located on the thighs, buttocks and knees, producing the unsightly and dreaded roughness of the skin. One of the great false myths about it is to think that it is only present in overweight people, in fact, there are many thin women who suffer from it.

As Luiz Yuka (@ luizyuka_entrenador), sports coach and personal trainer explains, cellulite is more common in women than men and it tends to accumulate especially in specific areas such as the hips, thighs and buttocks due to excess body fat.

And you wonder, why does cellulite arise? Well, there are several reasons that explain why many women suffer from it. First of all, the blame should be placed on the excess body fat, and no matter how thin you are, if you have more than 25% body fat, cellulite is very likely to appear. Take care of the diet and practice strength exercise it is vital to improve the appearance of the skin.

Age must also be taken into account: as we age we begin to lose collagen, so the skin begins to reduce its elasticity. This loss makes the fat deposited under the surface of the skin want to come out and creates the unsightly effect «Orange Peel»Or« dimples ».

Also, dehydration and genetics play a huge role. In the first place, it is essential to drink plenty of water to avoid bloating and fluid retention, and in terms of genetics, there is little we can do … Being hereditary, if you have a history, it is convenient that you start preventing it.

As the personal trainer Luiz Yuka, there are other factors that influence:

– Sedentary lifestyle

– Bad nutrition

– Slow metabolism

– Hormonal changes

But exercise is, if not more, one of the most important solutions to prevent these “Holes” that form in the skin, mainly on the legs: «A fundamental measure to prevent and eliminate cellulite is the physical activity, such as doing cardiovascular exercises and muscle toning such as walking, walking, cycling, yoga, Pilates, body pump, etc. », advises the expert. Apparently, he recommends doing a minimum of 30 minutes “2 to 3 days a week”, accompanied by a healthy diet. “It is very important to always do it with the guidance of a professional,” he says.

According to Luiz Yuka, exercises such as squats have a very good effectiveness, and a correct squat is done as follows:

Stand with your legs apart in the same line as your shoulders, your back straight and your abdomen contracted. Then, push down on the ground, making a slight incline with the trunk without the knees passing the line of the feet.

Types of cellulite

The expert Rocío Escalante explains what types of cellulite exist:

Soft cellulite: is the most common. It is associated with flaccidity, circulatory problems, varicose veins, spider veins … It usually appears in people with a sedentary life. It is located in the thighs, the abdomen, the inner face of the arms and the buttocks. It is seen with the naked eye.

Hard or compact cellulite: appears in young women, even if they do sports. This cellulite is associated with hormonal disorders and can be accompanied by stretch marks. It is located on the outside of the thighs and hips (the famous cartridge belts) or on the knees. It is visible when we pinch the skin, it is not seen with the naked eye.

Edematous or watery cellulitis: it is accompanied by poor circulation, heavy legs, fluid retention. It is located in the lower extremities and is characterized in that it can hurt to the touch. It can appear in young and older women. The skin presents at first glance the appearance of the typical orange peel.

In addition to good nutrition, hydration and exercise, the expert Rocío Escalante ensures that in the pharmacy there are both creams and food supplements that can help improve the appearance of cellulite. “It must be clear that to be successful with the treatment you have to be very constant, and combine it with a healthy lifestyle, that is, a healthy and balanced diet and daily exercise,” he says.

Anti-cellulite creams help if used constantly, and they recommend applying them twice a day for at least 3 months, as a shock treatment, and then once a day. « The best time is after the shower and we also advise doing a light exfoliation 1-2 times a week “, he explains.

Some of the best options to combat cellulite are the Somatoline cosmetic thermoactive anti-cellulite cream, with a heat effect, its formula contains 5% caffeine, natural ginger extract, escin and other specific cosmetic active ingredients. Another of the fundamental creams is the Bimaio anti-cellulite, also formulated with caffeine, which regulates the storage of fat in the adipocyte and stimulates the breakdown of fats during lipolysis. In addition, it improves blood microcirculation. Finally, Collistar’s cool anti-cellulite Cryo-Gel, with pink pepper extract that, combined with the power of CAFFEINE, acts on fat accumulations on three levels.

Remember that for the cream to be effective it has to be accompanied by a massage. In addition, as Rocío Escalante points out, you have to take into account what type of cellulite you suffer from in order to choose the most suitable anti-cellulite. For soft cellulite, a firming anti-cellulite is ideal. For the edematous, a draining anti-cellulite. For hard cellulite, a reducing and firming anti-cellulite.

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