The article will not open America to you, but it will help you put your body in order and cheer up your baby. In the article How to lose weight after childbirth, 5 exercises for exercising with a child and options for how you can beat the workout have already been given. This article contains a full range of exercises with a technique for performing them. As you know, a violation of the technique can lead to injury. Therefore, do not rush, work out the technique of performing the exercises slowly and after that increase the pace of execution.
Exercises “squats and lunges”
Exercises with a toddler are very similar to exercises with a Sandbag. The same free weight, only laughing and babbling loudly. Requires care and affection.
1. Squat
Pick up your baby or sit in a sling. If the child is already sitting, you can put him on the neck.
Stand in the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, toes are slightly apart, heels are firmly pressed to the floor.
Start squatting: the movement comes from the pelvis. First, move your pelvis back, then bend your knees. It is very important that the knees do not go over the toes, and the back remains level.
We made a deep squat, got to the starting position.
2. Lunge forward
Take the baby in your arms, sit in a sling or on the neck. Stand in the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, feet are straight. Step forward and bend your leg. It is important that the knee does not protrude beyond the toe. With the toe of your back foot, rest on the floor.
Stand up, straighten your knee and sit down again 8-10 times. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
3. Lunges to the side
Stand in the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. Depending on your preparation, hold the baby in both hands or place it in a sling or around the neck. The strongest mothers can take their baby in one hand. If you lunge to the right side, take the child in the right hand and vice versa.
We make a smooth lunge to the side. The back is straight, the knee does not protrude beyond the toe. The feet are level. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
Exercises for the muscles of the core, back, abdomen and arms
4. Crunches on the press
Take a lying position. Lift your legs off the floor and bend them at a 90 ° angle. Place the baby on your shins.
Option 1: Raise your shoulders, straining only your abs. Extend and bend your knees in the air.
Option 2: the legs are bent at the knees. Lift your shoulders off the floor, straining only your abs, and lower yourself to the starting position.
Perform twisting 10-15 times.
5. Pressing hands from the chest
This exercise is for small children under 1 year old.
Take the starting position lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, feet are on the floor. Place the child on your chest and hold it with your hands. You need to stretch your arms up, as if pushing the child and lower it down.
Repeat 8-10 once.
6. Plank
Take the starting position: stand on your elbows, hands parallel to each other. Place your feet on your toes. The head, neck, back, loin, pelvis, legs form a single line.
Depending on your preparedness, lay the child:
- On the floor and stand over it.
- Lay it on its back to you.
Hold this position for as long as you can. 1 minute is considered a good indicator.
7. Bridge
Take the starting position lying. Bend your legs at the knees at an angle of 90 °. Feet are on the floor, raise your pelvis. In this position, it is very important to monitor the lower back, it should be flat without deflection. To do this, tighten your abs.
Place the child on the hips, not on the stomach, this is important! Lower your pelvis. Without touching the floor, push your pelvis back with your buttocks. Take the starting position. The bridge is a multi-rep exercise. It must be repeated 15-20 times.
7 simple exercises will help you quickly tone your muscles after a long break. Take a little of your time. And they will amuse your baby.
Pros of joint exercise with your child
In addition to the figure, joint activities with a child have a lot of advantages:
1. Contact with the child
Perhaps the most important point in training. A small child is so dependent on his mother that any joint activity makes him happier.
2. Help in education
One way or another, exercise involves not only training for your body, but also activities for the baby. And for this you need not only to captivate your child, but to teach to listen and hear your instructions, which will greatly help you in everyday life.
3. Joint sports activities
This is the production of hormones of happiness – endorphins, which are very useful during postpartum depression, and the enjoyment of unusual contact with your beloved baby.
But it is worth remembering that it is difficult to turn a dream into a figure by training alone. To do this, read the article How to get back in shape after childbirth and train with love!