Exercises in the pool for women: water aerobics, aqua yoga, swimming, games

Exercises in the pool for women: water aerobics, aqua yoga, swimming, games

Swimming in the pool is a great way to achieve a perfect body. Water, by providing hydrostatic resistance, makes exercise more effective and at the same time safer. It is also an excellent massage that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite. And today there are plenty of types of aqua activity. Woman’s Day offers effective muscle strengthening exercises in the pool.

Swimming: How to Strengthen Your Body Musculature

Swimming helps to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, as well as burn excess calories through cardio. Among other things, this sport has a positive effect on blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure. The main thing is to observe an important condition: swim regularly!

Sports games in water: how to lose weight quickly

One of the best team sports for weight loss is water polo (as recommended by Harvard University). For half an hour of the game, about 350 calories are lost, all the main muscles are actively involved and coordination, dexterity, and balance are trained.

Aquayoga: how to strengthen the body

The advantages of this fashionable trend can be enumerated for a very long time. The main advantages: no stress on the spine and joints without sacrificing efficiency, natural relaxation in water, improvement of the whole body and, of course, improvement of physical shape and proportions of the figure. The main feature of aquayoga is not so much the observance of the form of the asana, but the fulfillment of its functions – stretching, strengthening, relaxation. All exercises in water are combined with special breathing exercises. By the way, vacation is not a reason to stop exercising. We recommend the top 7 ways to lose weight on vacation.

Water aerobics: effective exercises for a beautiful figure

The most accessible type of aqua activity. Having mastered the simplest set of exercises, you can achieve excellent results, practicing both in a group and individually. Here are some of the most effective water exercises for a beautiful figure.

Swimming with arms outstretched: how to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles

Swimming with arms outstretched

Take a noodle stick or foam pad and straighten your arms in front of you. Stretch out from the wrists to the toes and contract your abdominal muscles to remove the arch in your lower back. Stretch the top of your head up, lower your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together. Swim, making small and frequent movements with your legs, without bending your knees. 4-6 small swings for inhalation and the same amount for exhalation.

Duration: 1-2 minutes.

Number of approaches: 3

Work: the muscles of the legs, in statics – the muscles of the abdomen and back

Scissor Exercise: How to Tighten Your Hips

Spread your arms out to the sides and try to hover in the water without touching the bottom with your feet. To make it easier to hold this position, you can pick up special foam dumbbells for practicing in the pool. Now, as you inhale, spread your straight legs to the sides and as you exhale, connect them again in the center. Perform these swings not too abruptly to prevent stretching of the adductors. During mixing, concentrate on the work of the muscles of the inner thigh.

Number of repetitions: 30-40

Number of approaches: 3

Work: muscles of the inner thigh

Steps in place: how to strengthen your glutes and leg muscles

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, only the toes touch the bottom. Inhaling, bend your right knee, pulling it up to your stomach, then straighten it in front of you at pelvic level. As you exhale, lower your straight leg to its original position, slightly bringing it back. Do all the reps with your right foot first, and then with your left. Try to keep your torso motionless throughout the exercise. Pull the toe towards you, making the final movement from the heel, and contract the gluteus muscle of the working leg.

Number of repetitions: 30

Number of approaches: 2 for each leg

Work: gluteal muscles, leg muscles

By the way, for the effect to be especially effective, do not forget to perform the top 6 exercises for firm buttocks.

Reduction of hands: how to get beautiful breasts

Reduction of hands in front of the chest

Take noodles and stand so that the water is about shoulder height. Grab the ends and point them down, bending the stick in half. The elbows are bent at right angles, the hands are at chest level. While inhaling, spread the ends of the stick in different directions, raising them closer to the surface of the water, while exhaling, return them to their original position. When raising your elbows, try not to raise your shoulders. If the load is not enough, try grabbing the noodles closer to the center.

Number of repetitions: 30-40

Number of approaches: 3

Work: pectoral muscles, shoulder muscles (front bundle)

To make the effect of these exercises more noticeable, remember about the top 6 exercises for beautiful breasts.

Reduction of arms: how to strengthen the muscles of the back

This exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to connect the ends of the noodles behind your back, forcing the opposite muscle group to work. Turn your shoulders back, connect your shoulder blades and do the same breeding, but as if you were swinging your wings. Inhale to the sides, exhale to the center.

Number of repetitions: 30-40

Number of approaches: 3

Work: muscles of the back, shoulder (back bundle)

Criss-Cross Exercise: How to Achieve Perfect Body

Take aquagumbbells and spread your arms to the sides, your feet touching the bottom. Keeping balance, pull your right hand and left foot towards each other. The knee of the left leg bends at this moment, and the right hand goes deeper into the water. Exhale. With an inhalation, return the arm and leg to the starting position. Do the same with your left arm and right leg straight away for one rep.

Number of repetitions: 20-30

Number of approaches: 2

Work: adductors of the thigh, pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles

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