Nature has endowed man with an amazing, complex musical instrument. Today, the skill of communication is required everywhere and when there is a loss of voice, it is as if we lose the most precious thing, it interferes with communication. On cold days of winter, this problem is especially relevant.
And the causes of voice loss can be: infectious diseases such as laryngitis, tonsillitis. Increased vocal loads when screaming or, for example, during prolonged oratory action, exposure to dust, smoke, cold drinks are factors that affect the vocal apparatus, which consists of vocal cords located deep in the larynx, and from the pharynx, oral and chest cavities.
The strength of the sound coloring of the voice, the characteristic pronunciation of vowels and consonants are the elements that make up a complex system. Most often, voice loss occurs due to a disruption in the functioning of the ligaments; for such violations, the presence of any congenital or acquired pathologies of the vocal apparatus is not necessary. But the voice sits down, hoarse and a whisper appears, and sometimes it is completely absent due to throat diseases. If you constantly train your throat and ligaments, these problems will not affect you or pass by.
It is useful to perform the following exercise cycle:
Squat on legs bent at the knees, put your heels apart, touch one thumb with the other, keeping the distance between the knees 1-2 fists. Keep your back straight, hands on your knees. Exhale, squeezing all the air out of yourself, straining your neck, throat and arms. The eyes are wide open, as much as possible you should try to reach the chin with your tongue. Maintain this pose for 6-10 seconds. Having taken the initial position, relax. When, after a few breaths and exhalations, the breath evens out, you need to try to repeat the same exercises again, you need to complete 6-10 such approaches every two hours. After two times you will feel relief.
The following set of exercises helped out more than once those whose voice was partially set.
1. Starting position lying. Breathing in, make sure that the stomach breathes. Holding your breath, exhale slowly while pronouncing the letter “C”. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes. Then the sounds “Z” and “Sh” are pronounced.
2. Further, everything is the same, breathing should be correct, you need to pull the consonant “M” for a long time, trying to make the voice low chest, and the sound is even.
3. Then hum the consonant “m”, with the effect of “casting” the tip of the melody up, as when performing a lullaby melody. 4. With your mouth open, pull the consonant “H”, control that the sound does not rattle.
Remember, if your voice is broken, first of all you need to be more silent. Any doctor, first of all, will prescribe a voice mode. It is impossible to sing, shout, even whisper through force; when whispering, by the way, the load on the ligaments is the same as when screaming.
During the treatment period, it is not recommended to consume hot and too cold, peppery and very salty, sour citrus fruits, grapes, alcoholic beverages.
Healing with breathing exercises
It is known that the vocal apparatus and breathing are an inextricable union. For the treatment of the vocal cords, breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are ideal. When it is performed, all parts of the body are included in the work, due to which there is a general physiological reaction of the whole organism, including the vocal cords.
You can use a harmonica to blow into it while inhaling and exhaling, without breaking away, the sound should be even. Inhale and exhale start from 20 seconds, increasing to 1 minute.
Another set of exercises has a great effect on restoring the functional ability of the vocal cords:
1. inhale and exhale with the nose, while exhaling we pull the sound I-I 5-6 times;
2. inhale through the nose – exhale through the mouth, while exhaling we pull A-A 5-6 times;
3. inhale through the nose – exhale through the mouth, while exhaling we pull C-C-C 5-6 times;
4. inhale through the nose – exhale through the mouth, while exhaling we pull Sh-Sh-Sh 5-6 times;
5. inhale through the nose – exhale through the mouth, while exhaling we pull F-F-F 5-6 times;
6. inhale through the nose – exhale through the mouth, while exhaling we pull X-X-X 5-6 times. An exercise called “Yawning Lion” perfectly relaxes the muscles of the jaw and relieves tension from the vocal cords. It is performed by throwing the head back, the mouth should be opened as wide as possible, while making a sound resembling a loud yawn. An open throat brings peace and relaxation. Exercises that help stretch the vocal cords and improve existing articulation are effective. The breath should be deep.
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose in three sets.
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. To produce friction between the palms of one another.
Inhalation through the nose, exhalation reminiscent of the action of cooling hot tea with the breath.
Inhale through the nose, exhale with a hiss.
Inhale through the nose, exhale whistling.