Exercises for the spine – TOP 5 exercises for a healthy spine
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The spine is a stabilizer and shock absorber for our body. He is subject to many injuries, so it is very important to take care of him by doing the right exercises. It is enough to spend several minutes every day on the following exercises, thanks to which you will prevent spine damage and the accompanying back pain.

  1. Backache affects a large part of society
  2. The best way to relieve them is with proper exercise
  3. Some of the exercises for a healthy spine can be performed independently at home
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Where does back pain come from?

Back pain is a disease of the XNUMXst century population. It is mainly caused by a sedentary lifestyle and inappropriate physical activity. Our spine is characterized by natural curves in individual sections. Long-term exposure of the spine to incorrect posture produces additional bone mass, causing degeneration of the spine. That is why it is worth taking care of the correct posture. This can be done with the help of Curble correction seats, which are available at medonetmarket.pl.

Back pain can also result from various types of spine curvatures and serious diseases, including spinal hernias, discopathy and sciatica. We can prevent these ailments if we reserve a few minutes throughout the day for exercises for the spine.

Increase the effectiveness of the exercises and accelerate the regeneration of your body after the training. Reach for the PUMP Pre-Workout Formula for OstroVit performance and endurance.

The sport recommended for back pain is mainly swimming, which can be supplemented with exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles and maintaining the correct posture. A set of exercises for the spine can be prepared by a physiotherapist or a physiotherapist. Below we present TOP 5 exercises for the spine that you will do yourself in the comfort of your home.

To safely perform these exercises, you will need the AIREX Fitline rehabilitation mat, which you can buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

Exercise for the spine – sternum

Lie on your back on the mat so that the entire surface of the floor is touching, bend your legs at the knees, keep your feet firmly on the floor, and slowly push your hips up. During the movement, remember that both the shoulder blades and the head should always stick to the ground. We must remember not to bend the back too much upwards and tighten the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and back. This exercise can be repeated 10 to 15 times.

If you feel pain in the area of ​​the spine, you can use the Arnica Active FLOSLEK cooling care gel, which brings a feeling of relief and refreshment, and supports muscle regeneration.

Exercise for the spine – cat’s back

This exercise is very simple to do. The starting position for this exercise for the spine is propped kneeling. In this position, we “push” the upper part of the spine upwards, creating a kind of hump, while remembering to tuck the head between the shoulders. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

Besides exercise, it’s important to relieve pain. For this purpose, you can use the CBD painkiller with glucosamine, which has a warming effect.

Exercises for the spine – Japanese bow

This exercise provides immediate relief from back pain. The starting position is sitting on the heels. We stretch our arms as far forward as possible, slowly leaning forward. Try to reach as far as possible with your hands and hold this position for about 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

In order to strengthen the muscles and improve their condition, it is worth reaching for the Neck, Back, Shoulder and Neck Electrostimulator, which is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. Also try the Shiatsu massager for the neck and back, which helps you effectively relax and regenerate your muscles.

Exercise for the spine – balance

The starting position for this exercise for the spine is propped kneeling. In this position, we slowly stretch our right arm forward and left leg backward. We try to hold this position for a while, then we bend the left leg at the knee and the right arm at the elbow and pull it towards us, touching the left knee with the right elbow and return to the starting position. We repeat this movement to the other side. Do the exercise 5 times on each side.

For exercises for the spine, it is worth using the Sanity rehabilitation pillow, which supports dynamic sitting and at the same time can be used as an exercise aid.

Exercise for the spine – plank

This exercise has a positive effect on the whole body, but mainly has a beneficial effect on the spine. They can be performed by people who do not have serious back problems. The exercise is static and we do not make any movement. Start this exercise by kneeling on the floor, leaning on your forearms, bending your elbows at right angles. Shoulders should be above the elbows, raise the whole torso with hips and legs, and place the feet on tiptoes. Keeping your position by contracting all your muscles, remembering not to lift your buttocks and hips too high. Initially, hold this position for about 10 seconds, increasing the time gradually and depending on your body training.

To minimize back pain and neck stiffness, in addition to exercising, we recommend Mentholk’s cooling patches with hemp oil, glycerin and purified water. They are available on Medonet Market at an attractive price. You can also reach for the Dermaticus Klimuszko monastery lining for the skin around the joints and spine, which in turn has relaxing and warming properties, as well as reducing pain. Check out the wide range of muscle and joint ointments available on Medonet Market.

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