Exercises for the muscles of the neck: how to relax the muscles? Video

Exercises for the muscles of the neck: how to relax the muscles? Video

If you have a sedentary job in which you have to spend a long time at the computer, you are probably familiar with tension and aching pain in the neck. Here are some simple and effective exercises to relieve fatigue, discomfort, and mild pain in your neck muscles.

Exercises to relieve tension in the neck: video

Exercises to relieve muscle tension in the neck

Exercises to relieve tension in the neck area begin with correct positioning of the head. To do this, slightly pull the back of the head up, imagining that the head is hanging in the air on an invisible thread attached to the crown of the head. “Pick up” your chin by pushing it with a “pecking” movement towards yourself. The head-hanging and chin-pulling movements are designed to promote relaxation in the neck and head area, and to break the habit of drooping or lifting the head. In addition, this position is an important condition for free breathing and correct posture.

Next, relax your shoulders and stretch the top of your head up. At the same time, stretch the cervical vertebrae as much as possible, while at the same time carefully making small turns of the head to the right and left. After that, lower your head to your chest, trying to “rub” your collarbone with your chin. Gradually, without making any sudden movements, increase the radius of the head turn to the right and left. Then tilt your head back and try to “rub” the lower part of your neck with the back of your head. Return to the original crown-hanging position.

Office gymnastics for the neck

Exercise 1. With your arms bent at the elbows on the table, place your chin on them. Press the last one down, applying light resistance with your hands. Hold the created tension for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Office gymnastics exercises to relieve tension in the cervical spine can be performed while sitting at a desk

Exercise 2. Press on the left cheek with your left palm, while providing slight resistance with your hand. Hold the tension for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Then do this exercise with your other arm and cheek. Repeat 3-4 more times.

Exercise 3. Putting your hands behind your head in the back of your head, press your head on them for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise 4. Place your hands on your forehead. Start pushing with your head forward and your hands backward, creating resistance to this movement. Only the muscles above the shoulders should be strained, and the arms and head remain motionless. Relax after a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Exercise 5. Finally, do half-rotations of the head from the right shoulder to the left and vice versa. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 1… Starting position – lying on your back, bend your legs, put your hands behind your head. Slowly tilt your head forward until you feel a slight stretch in the neck. Perform 3 sets of 3-5 seconds.

This type of neck tension relief exercise should be done while lying on your back.

Exercise 2. The starting position is the same. Smoothly tilt your head to your left knee, then slowly return to the I.P. Do 2-3 repetitions of 3-5 seconds on each side.

Exercise 3. Starting position – lying on your back, bend your knees. Keeping your head on the floor in a relaxed position, gently turn it to the left. Then slowly turn it to the right. Perform 2-3 sets of 3-5 seconds.

Massage to relieve tension in the neck area

After doing your neck exercises, take some time to do some light self-massage. Pressing your palms firmly against the back of your neck, make a stroking motion. Use your fingertips to rub it in a circular motion. Grab the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck with pinch movements (on one side with the thumb, on the other with the other four), stretch the muscles and move them towards 4 fingers.

Next, lightly pat your shoulder girdle and neck with your fingertips, while keeping your hands relaxed. Finish the self-massage with stroking movements.

When self-massage, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • massage the neck with the shoulder girdle;
  • perform all movements along the neck and shoulder girdle from top to bottom;
  • massage the neck alternately with the left and right hand or at the same time;
  • if you massage your neck with one hand, you need to relax your trapezius muscles.

Exercises for the neck area: video

These simple massage actions prevent the development of pain in the neck and osteochondrosis, and with the development of a pathological process, and also help to speed up the restoration of health.

An acupuncture massager also helps to reduce muscle tension in the neck area. To do this, lie on your back on a bed or sofa, positioning the acupuncture roller so that it can support your neck. This position helps to relieve stress in the shoulder and neck area.

During sleep, an orthopedic pillow or neck cushion can help relieve tension from the cervical spine.

At the same time, acupuncture points are massaged, thereby eliminating muscle spasms and pain, relieving neck muscle tension, increasing blood circulation and improving overall well-being. In addition, the use of an acupuncture massage roller helps to rejuvenate the facial skin.

See also: treatment of snoring with massage or folk remedies.

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