Exercises for the abdomen – what to remember? 6 Effective Exercise Suggestions
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Exercises for the abdomen and sides do not always bring the expected results. However, effective exercise and the right diet will help you achieve success quickly. The basis is the variety of exercises performed both at home and in the gym, and regularity. In the case of this part of the body, we do not have to worry about contusions and injuries, so we can successfully perform exercises every day.

  1. A very important rule is to choose the type and intensity of abdominal exercises according to your own abilities
  2. Before the abdominal exercises, remember to warm up
  3. The key to success is their diversity and systematic training
  4. Squats – This is the perfect abdominal exercise to start with
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

A flat stomach and beautifully sculpted muscles are the dream of many women and men. For most of them, a muscular stomach is synonymous with good condition, beautiful figure and health. On various forums and websites, questions about exercises for a flat stomach appear very often. It is no surprise, then, that various abdominal training methods have been developed. So what should you focus on when choosing the right form of exercise?

What to remember when exercising your abdominal muscles?

Exercises for the abdomen are not only about performing consecutive tense muscles. While exercising, you should also follow certain rules related to the structure and mechanics of our body. Many people do not realize that the most popular abdominal exercises are not very effective, and many of them can even lead to serious injuries, for example to the spine. The problem of injuries usually concerns people who were not active on a daily basis and suddenly start training at home or in the gym. So remember to choose the type and intensity of abdominal exercises to your own abilities.

Even the most effective exercises will not bring the expected results if we do not burn the fat tissue that covers the muscles. Therefore, abdominal exercises should be combined with fat reduction during aerobic training. Therefore, we should perform the exercises alternately with, for example, swimming, cycling or running. Thanks to these simple activities, abdominal muscle training will pay off quickly.

We should also remember that exercises for the abdomen and sides are not everything. A beautifully sculpted silhouette also means slender thighs, strong back and buttock exercises. Regardless of whether you do abdominal exercises at home or in the gym, activate other muscle groups as well. We should also take care of our well-being during abdominal exercises and do not overstrain our body. It is then easy for fatigue and a decrease in motivation to exercise.

The rest of the article under the video.

It is worth emphasizing that strong muscles are not only about looking beautiful. When performing abdominal exercises, we primarily care for strong muscles that are responsible for the motor activity of the torso. So avoiding abdominal exercise can have serious consequences for our health. Thanks to exercises for the back and abdomen, we will take care of the correct posture and balance. Before the abdominal exercises, we should also remember about warming up.

What exercises for the abdomen are the most effective?

There are many exercises for the stomach. However, how to choose the most effective ones? The key to success is their diversity and systematic training. It is good to start your abdominal exercises slowly so as not to lose your enthusiasm. Remember that the effects will not show up overnight. Motivation and patience are the key!

  1. Squats – This is the perfect abdominal exercise to start with. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Then lower the hips until they are parallel to the floor and straighten the silhouette.
  2. Torso bends while lying – this abdominal exercise is performed while lying on the back. We extend our arms above the head. With the abdominal muscles tense, raise your straightened legs at an angle of about 45 degrees above the floor and try to reach your knees with your hands. We slowly raise our head, shoulders and shoulders and then return to the starting position.
  3. Bow – we lie on our stomach on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees to catch the ankles with your hands. Then we slowly bend the body into an arch. We hold the body in this position for a while and return to the starting position.
  4. Crunches with elevated legs – this abdominal exercise is performed in the supine position. The hands are crossed at the nape of the neck or stretched out in front of you. Raise the legs and bend them at an angle of 90 degrees. As you contract your abdominals, slowly raise your head, shoulders, and shoulders towards your knees. We slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Transition from plank to sideplate – abdominal exercises on the plank are very effective and train the muscles in a completely different plane. Place the body in the plank position (the body rests on the forearms and feet together). We slowly turn the body to the side and stretch the arm upwards while turning the torso and legs. We stop for a moment and return to the starting position.
  6. Hanging Leg Raises – This is an abdominal exercise on a bar or tape. Our body hangs on straightened arms. Then slowly raise your bent legs to your chest and slowly return to the starting position.

Exercises for the stomach – how to speed up the effects?

The goal of abdominal exercises will be achieved quickly if we keep a few factors in mind. These include proper work, appropriate intensity of abdominal exercises and their orientation. When choosing exercises, we should pay attention to the fact that the abdominal muscles are directly involved. While exercising, we often feel our muscles working, but that doesn’t mean they are fully engaged. Another issue is their work in various planes, which allows for symmetrical and even development of all parts of the abdominal muscles. Thanks to this, during exercises for the abdomen, we will develop nicely defined muscles.

It has been assumed that daily exercise is a mistake because recovery is necessary to see results. And sometimes it’s good to take a break. However, it is worth remembering that abdominal exercises are the only exercises that can be performed every day without fear of injury or injuries. The key to success in the case of abdominal exercises is regularity. Therefore, exercises for the abdomen should be performed at least 2 or 3 days a week, thanks to which the effects of exercises on the abdomen and sides will be quickly noticeable.

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The basis of exercises for a flat stomach is not only to strengthen them, but also to burn fat at the same time. However, for many people, abdominal exercises alone are not enough. That is why it is also worth taking care of a proper diet. Both the diet for a flat stomach and the exercises for the stomach alone will not bring the expected results. We will see them the fastest when we combine these two elements. Remember that if we do not have time for daily visits to the gym, we can do abdominal exercises at home. The series of exercises for the abdomen do not have to be long and can be performed at any free time.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Kamila Wykrota, the resilience trainer, will tell us about what resilience is. How does the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and react to adversities affect our quality of life? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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