Exercises for the abdomen: flat stomach in a month with the Pin Twins

Exercises for the abdomen: flat stomach in a month with the Pin Twins


Follow this abdominal workout proposed by the coaches and remember that after the first round you must do three more

Exercises for the abdomen: flat stomach in a month with the Pin TwinsPM4:24

When we talk about abs, the list of exercises that can be done to enhance them is endless. Or is it that you haven’t realized that this is one of the most important workouts for Esther and Gema Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins? After so much practice, they have managed to mold their core and achieve the result they were looking for. Of course, based on taking care of their diet and doing appropriate exercises, which they almost never repeat because the variety is infinite …

Table for abdomen

TV Shows
20 ″ (between series)

That’s why this week the Pin Twins bring back the jewel in the crown: training to make your abdomen hard and look flat this summer. In it they propose doing five exercises of 20 repetitions each and a 20-second rest after each series, which is four in total. You will not need any type of material, although a mat would not hurt to avoid damaging our backs.

This activity was recorded at The Corporate Gym facilities.

1 Exercise

Lying on the floor with our hands touching the back of our neck, we sit on the floor while keeping our legs straight, doing all our strength with our own weight. When we have already adopted the posture of sitting on the floor with our legs straight, we turn our torso as far as we can to the right and return to the center. Afterwards, we return to the initial position and when the moment of the turn comes, we do it to the other side, in this case the left. We do this exercise 20 times.

2 Exercise

Lying on the ground, we put our legs in a 90 degree position to one side, one on top of the other as it appears in the photo. Afterwards, we climb the trunk as much as we can, repeating this climb up to 20 times. Remember that in two sets you do it with your legs to the right and the other two with your legs to the left.

3 Exercise

Also lying on the ground, we put our legs in the air at an angle of 90 degrees. While we keep the arms stretched out to the sides of the trunk, with the palms of the hand resting on the ground, we rotate the legs from left to right without placing them on the ground. We repeat the exercise 20 times.

4 Exercise

On the ground and with the legs in the air making a 90 degree angle, we slightly lift the head and part of the back from the ground to bring the hands to the heels. We do 20 ascents with their respective descents, maintaining position and rhythm.

5 Exercise

Nicknamed as ‘the bicycle’, this exercise is also done on the ground, with the hands supporting our head and our legs, in the air, emulating pedaling, so that one leg is stretched when the other tries to reach the bent chest, and so on. It is repeated 20 times.

Remember that after this first round, you have to do three more to complete the abdomen training proposed by the Pin Twins. The more times you do this activity a week, the sooner you will notice the changes.

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