Exercises for the abdomen – effective exercises for women and men [EXPLAIN]
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A flat stomach is a dream for many people. However, you don’t have to limit yourself to imagining – just start practicing. Discover proven exercises for the abdomen, thanks to which you will sculpt muscles, get rid of the sides and at the same time make your thighs slimmer. Abdominal exercises should complement a balanced diet.

Why is excess body fat dangerous to health?

Abdominal obesity along with femoral and gluteal obesity are one thing of the greatest health threats of the XNUMXst century. More and more people, both young and old, are struggling with this problem. It is especially dangerous for children and adolescents. Abdominal obesity (central, visceral) characterized by excessive accumulation of fat around the waist.

Abdominal obesity is a much stronger disease risk factor than gluteal obesity. Abdominal obesity indirectly affects health by disturbing the metabolism of lipoproteins and carbohydrates. This type of obesity is a risk factor for diabetes, dyslipidemia, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, circulatory failure, stroke, some malignant neoplasms, and osteoarticular diseases.

It is very important for people with abdominal obesity to reduce extra pounds from the abdomen, as it can threaten their life and health. Overweight people should also take care of a healthy body weight. Early prophylaxis, proper nutrition and adequate exercise, including the abdominal muscles, will reduce the risk of the above-mentioned diseases.

Also read: Abdominal obesity and colon cancer

Which abdominal exercises are effective?

There are a lot of myths about belly exercises. The basic one is about the vision of sculpted muscles that we get from exercises such as crunches. In fact, the most popular types of abdominal training actually strengthen muscles in that area, but do not reduce excess fat. So if the actual form of the belly has more to do with a tire than a board, crunches will be of no avail. Before starting the training, it is important to find out about the abdominal muscle groups:

  1. rectus muscle (rectus abdominis muscle),
  2. external oblique muscle (external oblique muscle of the abdomen),
  3. internal oblique muscle (internal oblique muscle of the abdomen),
  4. the transverse abdominal muscle (transversus abdominis muscle).

The abdominal muscles make up the anterior wall and side walls of the abdominal cavity.

It should be noted that the abdominal muscles play a very important role in the human body:

  1. affect the maintenance of a properly upright body posture,
  2. thanks to stretching and unbending, they enable many functions, even basic ones such as breathing or speech,
  3. protect internal organs (including ribs) against injuries,
  4. cause an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity; together with the diaphragm and pelvic muscles, they form the so-called abdominal press, which is created in the course of a number of physiological functions (childbirth, defecation, urination),
  5. thanks to them it is possible to make a large number of movements.

Typical exercises for the abdomen should be postponed or combined with body fat reduction exercises. Otherwise, the exercises for a flat stomach will result in strong muscles hidden under a large layer of fat.

The basic point when working on your body is knowing that abdominal exercises are not enough. If you want to slim down and shape your figure, do not limit yourself to exercises for a flat stomach, exercises for the abdomen and thighs or exercises for the abdomen and belly. Remember to also do cardio or interval training and eat healthy. Only this combination will result in a beautiful body – a flat belly, clearly marked waist and nice legs.

If you want to take care of your body condition and endurance, remember about a proper diet. Appropriate supplementation will certainly prove helpful in the case of physically active people. You can buy, for example, Nutrients for sportsmen from MedonetMarket.pl. To increase the effectiveness of training, you can use the PUMP Pre-Workout Formula for OstroVit performance and endurance.

Abdominal exercises – warm-up

Before doing any exercises, be sure to do a short warm-up. It aims to prevent injuries and injuries during training, therefore, a well-warmed muscle is prepared for the strengthening and shaping part.

The warm-up can be a short jog, the movement of the joints – neck, feet, knees, wrists – by alternating bending, circulation and straightening. After 10-20 repetitions for each joint, we can proceed to exercises.

Read: When your mind tells you to exercise and your body slows down

Exercises for a flat stomach

The great advantage of flat stomach exercises is that you don’t have to do them in the gym. You can successfully make them without the need for specialized equipment.

Home abdominal exercises can prove to be a very effective method of strengthening and scratching your muscles. However, persistence and diligent implementation of the training plan are necessary. If we are afraid that we will run out of motivation, we can use abdominal training applications available for smartphones. It is a convenient way to plan training sessions, set reminders or adjust the intensity of exercise. Many applications have beginner or advanced options to choose from.

The best exercises for abs at home include:

  1. crunches with a twist of the torso – lie on your back and cross your arms behind your head; lift your shoulders and then turn right and left,
  2. the so-called mountain climbing – take a plank position, and then pull your left and right knee to your chest,
  3. crunches with swing. Lie on your back. Bend your knees and bring them up to hip level. Clasp your hands behind your head, while keeping your elbows wide apart. Alternately bring your elbow closer to the opposite knee while extending the other leg. To raise the difficulty level, try to keep your chest up and stretch your feet as far as possible by alternating kicks.

Cardio exercises for the abdomen – examples

Cardio exercises are so-called aerobic exercises. During exercise, oxygen supplies the muscles with energy from fats and carbohydrates. You do not need to conduct a very strenuous training for this process to take place in your body. Remember that cardio training does not sculpt your abdominal muscles, it only burns fat. Here is an example of a cardio workout that affects the abdominal muscles:

  1. 20 sec. rompers,
  2. 20 sec. classic board,
  3. 20 sec. rompers,
  4. 20 sec. classic board,
  5. 20 sec. burrpes (exercise containing the elements: supported squat, leg throw back, push-up, back squat and jump),
  6. 20 sec. classic board,
  7. 20 sec. fast running in a place with lifting the knees high,
  8. 20 sec. classic board,
  9. 20 sec. running fast while lifting the knees high.

Do this training 3 times. Rest for 2 minutes after each series.

Also read: What to eat after training?

Exercises for the abdomen and belly

Some exercises allow you to flatten your stomach and make your waist slimmer at the same time. The most popular exercises for the abdomen and sides include:

  1. board sideways – lie on your side, leaning on your bent arm; the whole body should be in a straight line; lift your hips higher, then slowly return to the starting position;
  2. twists – lie on the floor, straighten your left arm wide, and support your head with your left arm; bend your legs at the knees (at right angles), then put your left heel over your right thigh; with a tense stomach, direct your right elbow to your right knee,
  3. a proposal for strengthening the abdominal and back muscles – sit on the floor, bend your legs, tilt your back slightly back, straighten your arms while tensing your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for 30 to 45 seconds.

Exercises for the abdomen and thighs

You don’t have to limit yourself to training your abdominal muscles or eliminating the sides. All you need to do is choose the right exercises for the abdomen and thighs to shape your figure. The following suggestions are home exercises for the abdomen and thighs that do not require any equipment. The following will be effective:

  1. classic board – put your elbows on the floor, straighten your legs, keep your feet hip-width apart; tense your entire body and hold this position as long as possible.
  2. pulling the knees to the chest in the support – support yourself on your arms, bending your legs at the knees; extend your left arm and straighten your right leg, then bring your knee and your bent arm towards your chest; repeat several times on each side, remembering to tighten your muscles,
  3. lunges – this exercise will not only improve the appearance of our abdomen, but also lift the buttocks and shape the thighs. Stand with one leg stretched forward 0,5 meters. Lower the current position so that the front is bent 90 degrees and the rear is in contact with the ground. Return to the starting position and do the same with the other leg. Perform the exercise in 3 series of 15 repetitions. If you do the exercise correctly and regularly, you will notice the first results after about 2 weeks. Lunges will not only improve the condition of the abdominal muscles, but also make the legs slimmer. 

Editors recommend:

  1. Exercises for the thighs – advantages, types of exercises, diet
  2. The most effective exercises for cellulite
  3. TOP 4 effective exercises for the sides that you can do at home

Belly exercises for men

The most popular exercise for men for abdominal muscles is the so-called aerobic 6 Weider. More precisely, it is an abdominal training which consists of 6 types of exercises. A6W inis done lying flat on your back, preferably on a soft surface (e.g. carpet). You do not need any special equipment to perform the training, as muscle strength is used. Each exercise is performed without interruption to keep the abdominal muscles constantly tense. These exercises help shape both the lower and upper abdomen and sculpt the six-pack.

6 Weider’s areobic should be performed daily for 6 weeks, taking into account only one day’s break from training. The disadvantage of these exercises is their monotony. Persons undertaking this challenge should be strongly motivated to exercise in order to complete the entire training. Effects of exercises they depend on how much fat there is in the abdomen (especially in the lower parts). You may find that training alone is insufficient and additional cardio or aerobic exercises are needed.

Another workout recommended for men is 300 sit-ups program. This system consists in performing a certain number of sit-ups every day for 20 weeks, so that on the last day you can perform as many as 300 abdominal strokes.

ABS training is equally popular. It is performed at least four times a week, and the training itself lasts 10 minutes. The set of ABS exercises is composed in such a way as to strengthen the upper, lower and lateral abdominal muscles. Such intensive training will work best when we do not have problems with overweight. Then, with regular training, the effects become noticeable after just two weeks of exercise.

The Panaseus supplement set for men, which includes the following preparations, supports the male body:

  1. Formula for joints – a supplement for the proper functioning of the joints, 
  2. Reliable movement – a supplement supporting the movement system, 
  3. Detox – a supplement that cleanses the body of toxins. 

It should also be noted that a flat stomach in men is not only aesthetics, but also reducing the risk of certain medical conditions and diseases, including: heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, liver cancer, kidney stones, erectile dysfunction and inflammation of muscles and joints.

Especially for men, the Terranova brand has prepared Living Multivitamin Men – a vitamin preparation supporting the body’s work, its immune system, fertility and energy metabolism.

Read: Kidney stones and excess weight

Belly exercises for women

Abdominal exercises should first of all be diverse, you should not limit yourself to crunches, which only strengthen the rectus abdominals. Examples of exercises are shown below.

Exercises for the rectus abdominals – lie on your back with your legs bent 90 degrees, then place them on an exercise ball (a chair may be an alternative to the ball). Then bend your arms behind your head and raise your upper body, ie the chest and head. You must not bend your neck while exercising. Breathe out as you lift your upper body, and breathe in when you return to the starting position. It is recommended to do 30 repetitions.

Flat belly – here we also use the ball. Lie on your back and lift straight legs with an exercise ball between them. The hands must be behind the head. Then lift your upper torso without bending your neck. 3 series of 15 repetitions are recommended.

Candle – this exercise requires you to lie on your back and place your arms alongside your body. The legs should be tucked together. You should slowly raise your legs and hips to get the so-called. a candle. You have to stay in this position for 20 minutes. It is recommended to do 5 repetitions.

Belly exercises at the gym

Raising the legs while lying on an inclined bench – the main muscles involved in these exercises are the oblique abdominals and the rectus abdominals. Lie on a horizontal or sloping bench with your head facing up. Place your arms behind your head, e.g. holding onto a bar or a bench. The torso should be close to the floor of the bench. Then, from this position, lift your legs towards your chest while gently bending them at the knees. Breathe in before starting the movement, and breathe out while lifting the legs. At the end of lifting your legs, you can gently twist your torso and hips to stimulate the oblique muscles of your abdomen. Important! Avoid sudden movements.

Bends when lying flat – during this exercise, we engage the oblique and straight muscles of the abdomen. Lie down on a bench, for example, bend your legs, put your hands behind your head and lift your torso up. The head should be raised first, then the shoulders, and then the rest of the torso. When lifting the torso, you can twist it slightly in the final phase of lifting to engage the oblique muscles of the abdomen. However, it is a slightly more difficult version of this exercise, putting a lot of strain on the lower back. Before starting the movement, breathe in, and breathe out while lifting the torso.

Abdominal strains with load – lie down on the mat, bend your legs, and the loins adhere to the ground. In the hands in front of us we hold a load (it can be a dumbbell, kettel, medicine ball). We carry out the movement by tearing the head off the mat, shoulders and then the torso. By contracting the abdomen, we exhale. The return movement is slower or at the same pace as the abdominal tense movement.

Exercises for the abdomen and the spine

Performing abdominal exercises not only allows you to shape your body. Training focused on this part of the body is recommended for people who suffer from back pain. The main causes of back pain are lack of exercise, desk work and a sedentary lifestyle. In many cases, strengthening the abdominal muscles will relieve the lumbar spine and minimize pain in the lower back.


Back pain should not be underestimated. If we suffer from acute pains or chronic ailments that interfere with everyday functioning, consult a doctor. Back problems can result not only from lack of exercise, but also from injuries, rheumatic changes or other diseases.

Abdominal exercises, which are recommended for minimizing back pain, are mainly performed in the supine position. Here are some examples:

  1. lie on your back with your legs bent, reach forward with your arms and raise your head and shoulders, tensing your abdominal muscles and holding the position for a few seconds;
  2. crunches connected to the bicycle – while lying on the back, put your hands behind your head and raise the shoulder girdle, make the same movement with your legs as in a bicycle, and each time you pull your knee to your chest, touch it with the opposite elbow; in this exercise it is important not to overstrain the neck muscles and not to lift the torso;
  3. exercise with the ball – while lying on your back, hold the ball with your feet and lift your legs up, tightening the abdominal muscles; lower your legs slowly as you exhale.

We can also strengthen the abdominal muscles by performing a traditional plank. If we do not suffer from pain, we can supplement the training with other exercises for the abdomen and general strengthening exercises for the whole body.

  1. Read more: Back exercises – beginner, advanced, back pain relief

Abdominal exercises for kids

While abdominal exercises are mainly associated with weight loss or muscle strengthening workouts, they also prove beneficial for children. Specific sets of abdominal exercises for children are recommended for certain posture defects, especially for the concave back. The inefficiency of this part of the muscles favors the pelvis moving forward, and this is one of the causes of valgus knees or flat feet. Effective and simple abdominal exercises for a child are:

  1. crunches performed with legs bent at the knees;
  2. oblique crunches – the child lies down, hands behind his head, left leg bent at the knee with the foot resting on the floor, the right foot rests on the left knee, in this arrangement the child bends the torso towards the right knee; after a series of repetitions, the exercise should be carried out to the other leg.

See also: Exercise for a child with scoliosis

Exercises for the belly after pregnancy

Almost all postpartum women dream of losing extra pounds and having a flat stomach as quickly as possible. Most women, however, will have to make every effort to achieve this. Patience, a healthy diet, proper exercise and self-confidence are key ingredients in this process. The speed of losing weight and getting a flat stomach depends largely on how much weight you gained during pregnancy, your genetic predisposition and your level of activity. Start doing these simple exercises today – and the desired effect will be achieved sooner than you think.

Exercise 1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, place one pillow under your hips and the other between your legs. Keep your hands flat on the floor along your body. Breathe deeply and then exhale slowly while contracting your abs. Raise your pelvis while flexing your gluteal muscles. Hold this position for 5 seconds and lower the pelvis downwards. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

If you have given birth naturally you can start this exercise after a week, but if you have had a caesarean section it is recommended to wait about 8 weeks before starting exercise.

Exercise 2. Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees, inhale then exhale and pull your abdominal muscles up and down towards your spine. Next, gently tilt your pelvis upwards and then lift your hips off the floor. Pause for 2 seconds and then come back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Exercise 3. Lie on the floor on your back with your feet hip-width apart. Your feet should be flat on the floor and your arms alongside your body. By taking a deep breath, try to pull in your abs. Slowly lift your head and neck off the floor. Raise your arms up, but don’t get them too high. The hands should be further along the body, raise them together with the arms. Remember to keep your abdominal muscles tense. Hold this position for 2 seconds, then slowly return to the floor. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Exercise 4. Lie on the floor on your back with your feet hip-width apart. Raise and bend your legs placing your calves at a 90-degree angle. Place one hand on your stomach and the other hand alongside your body. Pull in your abdominal muscles slowly and smoothly. Hold your stomach there, and in this position, open your legs as wide as possible, then slowly close them. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5. Stand against the wall and lean your back and hips against it. Sit down with a 90-degree angle under your knees. Keep your abdominal muscles tense. To make it harder, you can use a small Pilates ball. Place her between your knees and “sit down” again. Squeeze the ball and pinch your abs as well. Repeat 20 times, then return to standing position.

See also: Post-cesarean exercises

Belly exercises for the elderly

The aging of the body, including the lack of physical activity, inadequate diet and fluctuations in hormone levels can change the appearance of the body, including the appearance of extra pounds and an increase in belly fat. In addition to making it unattractive for this group of people, it can also pose a health risk. Abdominal obesity in the elderly may lead to the development of such diseases as: type 2 diabetes, stroke, arterial hypertension. During this period, some people may have problems with maintaining the proper balance, so abdominal exercises are an excellent form of strengthening the muscles responsible for maintaining stability.

Moderate abdominal exercises can be performed by seniors at home, in the gym, or in the outdoor gym. Here are some simple abdominal exercises for seniors:

Exercise 1. Perform pelvic lifting and lowering exercises to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. To do this exercise, lie on the floor with your knees bent, slowly raise your pelvis upward, hold this position for 10 seconds, and then lower your pelvis to the floor. Remember to tighten your abdominal muscles when lifting your pelvis up.

Exercise 2. Lie flat on your back, lift your legs with your knees bent so that there is a 90-degree angle under them. Keep your arms alongside your body on the floor. Slowly lift your arms and hands off the floor while keeping them along your body. Just slowly get off the floor and back to the ground. Repeat this exercise 15 times.

Exercise 3. We start this exercise from the supine position. Lie on the floor on your back, bend your legs at a 90-degree angle to the floor. Squeeze your buttocks together and lift your hips up. Hold for a while and then slowly lower it until you almost touch the floor. Do 10 repetitions.

On the Medonet Market platform you will find a dietary supplement with magnesium, calcium and boron for physically active people. The tablets support the body after exercise and are a good supplement to the diet. If you care about the slimming properties of exercise, try Thermogenesis – a Panaseus dietary supplement that speeds up calorie burning and improves metabolism.

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