Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth – sample exercises, diet. How and when to start your activity?

After giving birth, the abdomen remains enlarged for a few or a dozen more days, looking as if the pregnancy is not over at all. During the following weeks, the abdomen decreases at a different rate, which depends on the individual predispositions of each woman. Many mothers want to quickly regain their pre-pregnancy figure, although it is not the easiest thing to do. It is worth considering how to properly start exercising for the belly after giving birth.

Exercises for the belly after childbirth – how does the body change?

A pregnant woman’s body changes to a great extent. Most women have a few extra pounds left after childbirth, which are visible on the stomach. In addition, the muscles of this part of the body stretch significantly to accommodate the developing fetus in the womb.

It takes effort and patience to get your belly back to its pre-pregnancy appearance. It is recommended that you move to more active abdominal exercises after childbirth after about 6 – 8 weeks. In women after cesarean section, this period is extended to 12 weeks.

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Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth – an individual decision

Every woman experiences pregnancy, childbirth and delivery differently. This is also reflected in the time it takes to get back into shape and shape before pregnancy. The pre-pregnancy weight and the number of kilos that she arrived blessed are also very important.

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A mother who was physically active before and during pregnancy will feel differently than a woman who did not want to or could not exercise before giving birth. Therefore, when choosing exercises for the belly after childbirth, you should take into account only your own predispositions and possibilities.

Exercises and when to start them, which may be good for one mother, may not necessarily work for another person in the same way. When deciding to start exercising, you need to listen to your body and decide to be active when you are confident in your form. After starting exercise, you should also not overstrain and give up as soon as you feel pain in the abdominal and pelvic area.

Exercises for the abdomen after pregnancy – consultation with a specialist

When a woman decides to start working on post-pregnancy belly loss, it is advisable to consult the plans with a specialist. It is worth consulting your doctor who will assess the physical condition and the level of regeneration of the body after the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth. Starting your activity too quickly can bring more losses than good.

When it comes to choosing the right set of exercises, it is recommended to use the help of a physiotherapist who will individually create an exercise plan. Fitness centers often offer special offers for pregnant and postpartum mothers. Dedicated exercises are then performed under the supervision and control of the trainer.

  1. Exercises in pregnancy – types of exercises, rules, contraindications

Abdomen after pregnancy – sample exercises

If a woman feels strong and has no health contraindications, she can try a few simple exercises at home. In returning to the form from before pregnancy, not only exercises for the abdominal muscles help, but also those that strengthen the muscles of the spine, legs and pelvic floor. Examples:

  1. Classic scissors – you have to lie on your side, propping it on your elbow and slowly raise one leg. Do 10 repetitions on each side,
  2. Candle: -You need to lie on your back, spreading your arms to the sides for support. Then, calmly raise the joined legs, slightly lifting the bottom. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower your legs. Do 10 repetitions
  3. Bridge – lie on your back with your hands on your sides. Legs are to be bent at the knees. You have to lift the buttock high, pushing the pelvis up. Maintain this position for 15 seconds, then calmly lower the body. Do 10 repetitions. 

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Abdomen after childbirth – diet

Although many mothers want to return to their pre-pregnancy bodies very quickly, it is worth being patient. The regeneration process occurs naturally and takes some time. A proper diet also has a positive effect on the figure.

A woman in childbirth should not starve herself, because a restrictive diet can harm both her and her baby. It is recommended to eat wholesome meals containing a lot of vegetables and fruits. However, giving up sweets and junk food will help you achieve your dream figure.

An additional way to firm the abdomen is to use cosmetics dedicated to women in puerperium and to perform gentle massages of the abdominal skin. You can also try wearing a postpartum belt, but only after consulting a specialist.

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