Exercises for seniors – at home, lying down, on the spine. Why should elderly people exercise?

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Seniors complain of various ailments, feel lonely and depressed. Meanwhile, thanks to special exercises for seniors, they can not only improve their physical fitness, but also meet new people by practicing group sports. Why is it still worth doing exercises at a mature age?

Why is exercise important for a senior?

Mobility is a factor that greatly influences mental condition of a senior. The ability to go shopping, reach a given place by bike, and often even move around the apartment ensure independence for the elderly. Therefore, it is worth taking care of muscles and joints by doing exercises for seniors.

What exactly do exercises do for the elderly?

  1. positive mood,
  2. effects similar to rehabilitation,
  3. body improvement,
  4. improving circulation,
  5. better efficiency of the respiratory system,
  6. positive self-assessment of health,
  7. reducing the feeling of loneliness during group exercises.

Exercises for seniors – examples

Here are some examples of general fitness exercises for the elderly.

  1. Exercise for the senior’s spineespecially the lumbar region. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and bring your feet up to your buttocks, keeping your feet and knees together. The bent arms should be slightly away from the torso. This exercise is carried out with the rhythm of your breathing. While inhaling, raise the sacrum of the spine, and while exhaling, lower it while lifting the tailbone. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Isometric exercises for a senior they involve tightening the muscles without changing the position of the joints. They strengthen bones and muscles. Put your hands behind your head while pressing them against the occipital bone and creating resistance to the head. Hold for a few seconds. The next exercise involves bringing your hands together at chest level and pressing against each other for about 10 seconds. The next exercise for the senior is sitting. You should gently lift the leg and press the hand on the thigh, provoking the tension again. Switch leg and repeat several times.
  3. Stretching exercise for a senior, good at the end of your training. This is an exercise for seniors lying down – you should lie on your back and place your arms loosely along the body. Next, bend the legs so that they form a 90-degree angle and lower them to the left side to the floor without lifting the shoulders, and then hold them for about 10 seconds. Then come back to the starting position and put your legs to the right side. Repeat the exercise 5 times on each side.

Exercises for the senior outside the home

Exercises for a senior outside their own home are a great idea. Classes are often organized by universities of the third age, senior clubs, sports centers during special classes, and also by sanatoriums.

Worth knowing

Often, this type of exercise for seniors is free, and even if the fee is small.

The best group exercises for a senior are:

  1. zumba combining aerobics with dance, thanks to which it strengthens muscles, improves the functions of the cardiovascular system and releases endorphins,
  2. pilates – a set of strength, stretching and relaxation exercises; soothes aching joints and spine, regulates and deepens breathing,
  3. fitness – endurance and strength exercises for seniors; the formula and intensity are dictated by the age and condition of the participants,
  4. aqua aerobics, i.e. water gymnastics – its advantages include low risk of injury, muscle strengthening and balance exercises.

Check also: Pilates – how to exercise to achieve success?

In addition, an excellent exercise for a senior in a group or individually is Nordic walking, commonly known as walking with poles. It is a sport that is almost non-injurious and very calm. It allows the body to be properly oxygenated, improves blood circulation, and strengthens the joints and muscles. A similar exercise for a senior may be walking at a walking pace.

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