Exercises for scoliosis

How to cure scoliosis with exercises in the gym?

Exercises for scoliosis

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. One shoulder with scoliosis is located higher and the other lower. The same position is taken by the shoulder blades and buttocks.

There are 4 degrees of scoliosis:

  • The first degree is considered the easiest. It is practically invisible, the curvature of the spine is minimal.

  • The second degree of scoliosis will be noticeable to others, as the asymmetry of the shoulder blades and shoulders increases.

  • The third degree of scoliosis can be noticed by a person who is not a specialist in orthopedics. The deformation of the body will be significant.

  • With the fourth degree of scoliosis, the curvature of the spine is very strong. The angle of its inclination exceeds 60 °C.

Most often, people are diagnosed with the first and second degree of scoliosis. The third and fourth degrees are much less common.

There are four types of scoliosis: cervicothoracic, thoracic, sternolumbar and lumbar. Although in its pure form, thoracic scoliosis is rare. If there is a curvature in the thoracic spine, the body tries to compensate for this violation by tilting the pelvis. As a result, a compensatory arch is formed in the lumbar region, but it will go in the opposite direction.

The main cause of scoliosis is weak back muscles, which serve as a corset for the spine. In childhood, the spine grows, and underdeveloped deep muscles are not able to hold it. Negative factors that contribute to the progression of the disease are: too soft a mattress, wearing a satchel or bag on one shoulder, adopting an incorrect body position while sitting, etc. However, if a person has developed and strong back muscles, then these factors, even if they are combined , can not lead to the development of scoliosis. Therefore, it is necessary to act on the root cause of the disease.

Scoliosis can only be corrected in childhood and adolescence. The maximum age until which scoliosis can be treated is 20 years. You can compare the spine to a tree whose trunk grows in the direction of the light, if the light source changes, the tree turns in the other direction. As a result, its trunk will be crooked. It’s impossible to level it. Similarly, the formed spine of an adult cannot be aligned. It is possible to correct its shape only when it is at the stage of growth. At the age of 13 years, you can get rid of scoliosis completely. At the age of 14-19 years, the curvature can be reduced by 1-2 degrees. In the future, it is almost impossible to change anything.

Exercises for scoliosis can and should be performed not only in childhood, but also in adults. However, if this gymnastic complex helps children get rid of scoliosis, then an adult with their help will be able to make back muscles stronger and beautiful posture.

All exercises are divided into 4 blocks:

  1. 1 unit. It is aimed at working out the muscles of the lumbar spine.

    Lower back exercises:

    • Hyperextension and reverse hyperextension. These exercises do not give an axial load, but they work out the back muscles perfectly.

    • Another exercise is torso forward with a barbell in a standing position. In this case, the weight of the gymnastic apparatus should be small. If the weight is small, then the axial load will be low. You can also do squats and deadlifts, but the weight of the weight should be light.

  2. 2 unit. Exercises for the thoracic spine. These include:

    • Any pull-ups, and especially pull-ups with a wide grip. In this case, the chest must be brought to the tourniquet.

    • Traction from the top block. Wide-grip head pulls and wide-grip chest pulls are particularly effective.

  3. 3 unit. The exercises from this block are also designed to work out the muscles of the thoracic and cervical spine, but at the same time, the load must be pulled towards you.

    Upper back exercises include:

    • Horizontal pull.

    • Lever block pull.

    • Bent over T-bar row.

    • Bent-over barbell row.

    • Incline dumbbell row.

  4. 4 unit. Arm extension exercises.

    These include:

    • Breeding hands in the simulator.

    • Mahi dumbbells in an incline.

    • Mahi hands in a crossover.

The exercises are divided into blocks for convenience. It is necessary to use several exercises from each block. Training should take place 2 times a week. If you try to complete the whole complex, then this will give an excessive load on the spine. It is enough to practice 4 different exercises in one lesson, that is, one exercise from each block. You can arrange them at your own discretion. This will give adequate load to the lower back and upper back.

Don’t expect a quick result. That is, after 1-2 months of regular exercise, you should not count on a miracle. Scoliosis takes years to develop, so it will take time to get rid of it. The minimum training period, which is necessary for the appearance of the first results, is 6-8 months. Once again, it should be clarified that the listed exercises allow you to get rid of scoliosis only in childhood.

If an adult has a curvature of the spine, this does not mean that he should give up training. With scoliosis of the first degree, you can perform any exercises from the above complex, that is, there are no restrictions. With scoliosis of the second degree, you can also practice any exercise.

People with the third degree of scoliosis are shown some restrictions. However, it is simply impossible to say which exercises should not be performed by the patient without seeing his spine. It is not possible to draw up a training program in absentia. With scoliosis of the fourth degree, the situation is similar.

You can not pump only one part of the body in the expectation that this will get rid of scoliosis. In addition to the fact that a person can get injured, such training cannot end in anything else. Therefore, asymmetric exercises are contraindicated for people with scoliosis.

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