Exercises for lordosis

Exercises for lordosis – This is a complex of physical exercises that are aimed at correcting postural disorders caused by pathological bending of the cervical and lumbar regions. It is exercise therapy that is given the leading place in the complex therapy of lordosis.

A set of exercises for lordosis is selected for each patient individually. The choice depends on the degree of curvature of the spine in a person, what is his age and state of health, and also on what exactly caused the development of the pathology. Nevertheless, there are basic principles on which all sets of exercises for lordosis are built.

Basic principles of therapeutic exercises for lordosis

By following the basic rules for performing therapeutic exercises, you can maximize their effectiveness:

  • The initial load should be minimal. The same applies to the level of difficulty of the exercises performed. The number of approaches increases gradually.

  • No exercise should cause pain or discomfort. If this happens, then the person is doing something wrong. Pain is always a signal to stop exercising and reconsider technique. It is good to start performing the complex under the supervision of an orthopedist, which will help hone your skills.

  • Any physical activity should begin with a warm-up. This will warm up the muscles and prepare all body systems for subsequent loads.

  • The complex aimed at the treatment of lordosis should consist of the main types of exercises (strength exercises, breathing exercises, muscle stretching) and additional exercises. For the last classes, you will need sports equipment – a gymnastic stick, wall bars, etc.

  • You can’t skip workouts. The complex should be performed regularly. But illness or feeling unwell is an excuse to take a break.

  • It is important to monitor your breathing while exercising.

  • You should take care of comfortable clothes and shoes that will not hamper movement.

A set of exercises for lordosis

A set of exercises for lordosis is aimed at working out the entire spinal column. It is known that if there are violations of one part of the back, then this will certainly have a negative impact on the state of adjacent zones. But the emphasis will still be placed on the lower back, or on the neck.

Exercises for the correction of lumbar lordosis

  • The study of the upper sections of the anterior serratus muscle. You need to stand against the wall and rest your straight right hand against the wall, and stretch your left hand along the body. Then the body is rotated towards the abducted right limb, trying to touch the wall with the fingers of the left hand. The rotation is done on inhalation, return to the starting position on exhalation. In this case, the lower limbs and pelvis remain motionless. After five body turns performed, hands need to be changed.

  • Bilateral study of the broad muscles of the back. To perform this exercise, you will need a gymnastic bench, or another elevation from which the patient will push up. The arms should be spread wide, while exhaling the chest goes down, while inhaling, the return to its original position is carried out. Women can ease the exercise by pushing up from their knees. You should start with 3-5 push-ups, gradually bringing them up to 15-20 times.

  • Stretching of the interscapular and lumbar muscles. Exercise 1. Starting position on the knees with emphasis on the hands. Then you need to lower the torso to the floor, trying to reach it with the upper part of the chest. At the same time, the arms are bent at the elbows and diverge to the sides, the palms remain tightly pressed to the support. It is important to ensure that the back remains straight and the lumbar lordosis does not increase. Run 5 times.

  • Stretching of the interscapular and lumbar muscles. Exercise 2. You need to stand on your feet, spreading them shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. From the starting position, a forward lean is performed with an attempt to reach the feet with the hands. Exhale bend, inhale rise. It is important to keep your knees and back as straight as possible. If the first time you can’t reach the feet, then you should not do this through force. Repeat the exercise 6-10 times.

  • Correction of a round back with lumbar hyperlordosis. You need to lie on your back, pressing your hips to your stomach, and bend your arms at the elbows and shoulders and set them so that they are at a right angle to the body. In this case, the elbows will look at the ceiling. Dumbbells weighing 1 kg each are taken in the hands. On exhalation, the arms at the elbows unbend, rise up, then to the sides and again to the shoulders. Repeat the exercise 5-15 times, depending on the degree of fitness of the patient.

  • Round back correction. You need to lie on the floor and bend your legs at the hip and knee joints, feet rest on the floor. In the hands of dumbbells of 1 kg, arms extended behind the head. The load is lifted from behind the head with straight arms. The rise is carried out until the hands move to a vertical position, after which you need to return them back behind the head. The number of approaches is from 5 to 15.

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms along the body. Squat, stretching your arms forward, but at the same time the heels should not come off the floor, and the back should not be bent. The number of repetitions is from 5 to 15.

  • Lie on the floor, cross your arms over your chest, placing your palms on your shoulders. As you exhale, lift the body without the help of hands, then return back. Run 8 times.

  • To perform the exercise, you will need a crossbar higher than a person’s height. With a front grip, you need to grab the bar and hang on it for 5 seconds, while pulling your socks down to feel how the spine is stretched. After that, on exhalation, the legs rise up, bending only at the hip joints. Socks at the same time reach for the ceiling. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

  • The complex should be completed by stretching the trained muscles. To do this, you need to stand up straight, bring your legs together, tighten your buttocks. Then the right hand is raised as high as possible, and with the left hand reach for the floor. The hips at this time come forward, the stomach is pulled in, the buttocks are in tension. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then change hands.

In addition to pathological lumbar lordosis, cervical lordosis is often encountered, which also requires a complex of therapeutic exercises. You can perform them both independently and with an instructor.

Exercises for the correction of cervical lordosis

  • Correction of the correct position of the head. It is necessary to inhale as much as possible and tightly squeeze the jaws with a bite on the molars. Breathing is held for 15 seconds, after which exhalation is made. Thus, it is possible to straighten the cervical lordosis, reduce the thoracic kyphosis.

  • The legs are spread wider than the shoulders, on the shoulders there is a gymnastic stick, which the person holds at both ends with his hands. The stick rests on the patient’s neck. From this position, you need to tilt in different directions, but at the same time the legs and pelvis should remain motionless. This exercise helps to eliminate not only the cervical lordosis, but also the lumbar one, and is also a training in correct posture.

  • Starting position – knee-wrist emphasis on the floor. The back should be straight, and a large book lies on the crown and neck of a person. The task of the patient is to crawl on all fours, trying to keep the book in a horizontal position.

  • Hands on the belt, legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. The back is deflected in the region of the thoracic spine forward and upward. In this case, the elbows are retracted. One can mentally imagine that a rope comes out of the chest, which pulls the patient upward at an angle of 45 ° C.

  • Starting position with arms raised above the back of the head. You can give a person a small load. At the same time, the jaws are compressed with a bite on the molars, and the back of the head stretches upward, with a slight deviation back. In this position, a person begins to slowly move around the room, looking straight ahead all the time.

Regular performance of complexes of therapeutic exercises in combination with medical correction and massage allows you to completely get rid of the pathological non-fixed vertebral and cervical lordosis.

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