Exercises for beautiful buttocks

The size and shape of the “fifth point” Kim Kardashian – the sky-high dream of millions of girls. However, almost every one of us can achieve beautiful, toned and strong buttocks. Moreover, you can do this without leaving your home. We tell and show exactly how.

Fitness instructor Tatyana Platunova demonstrated 10 simple exercises that will help achieve the desired result. Success factors are motivation, regularity and strict adherence to the instructor’s advice.

Starting position: standing, feet are the width of the pelvic bones, the stomach is tucked up, the back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, the shoulders are laid down. While inhaling, we sit down, pulling the pelvis back, while the knees remain at the level of the heels, in no case we do not take them out by the toe. As we exhale, we rise, and the knees remain slightly bent, we do not straighten them to the end. Make sure that the feet and knees are parallel during the exercise, at the same distance from each other. We try to descend to the level of parallel with the floor.

Starting position: standing, feet at the width of the pelvic bones. We take a wide step back with our right foot, the left remains on a full foot. The right should be behind on the toe, with the heel raised high. From this position, while inhaling, we go down, bending both knees at an angle of 90 degrees, with exhalation, we rise to the starting position. We work until it burns, change sides and perform the same exercise in the same way, only on the other leg. The knees are always slightly bent and should not be brought out beyond the toe of the forward leg, and there should be no deflection in the lower back, so we keep the body slightly at a slight inclination to the thigh. Keep the feet parallel to each other at the width of the pelvis.

Starting position: standing, feet are wider than shoulders, toes are turned at an angle of 45 degrees, knees look towards the toes, stomach is pulled in, shoulder blades are brought together, shoulders are laid down. While inhaling, we sit down, pulling the pelvis back. The knees should remain at the level of the heel; we also do not pull them out by the toe. As we exhale, we rise, but we leave our knees slightly bent, do not straighten to the end. We try to descend to the level of parallel with the floor. At the bottom point, we squeeze the buttocks as much as possible and rise due to them, connecting the back of the thigh and the adductor muscles.

Extension of the hip from the knee-elbow support

Starting position: knee-elbow support, elbows are under the shoulders, knees are at the width of the pelvic bones. On inhalation, raise the hip bent at 90 degrees at the knee to the level of parallel with the floor. It is worth noting that the knee must always be bent at right angles! The foot should be reduced towards you, the heel points towards the ceiling. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. We monitor the lower back, the tailbone should be twisted, the stomach should be tightened, and there should be no deflection in the lower back. Repeat on each leg until it burns in the buttocks and muscles of the back of the thigh.


Starting position: knee-elbow support, elbows are under the shoulders, knees are at the width of the pelvic bones. While inhaling, we straighten the knee, and raise the thigh to the level of parallel with the floor, while the foot is reduced towards itself. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. Do not forget to keep an eye on the lower back so that there is no deflection, the tailbone is twisted, the stomach is tightened. We also perform this exercise on each leg until it burns in the buttocks and muscles of the back of the thigh.

Abduction of the hip from the knee-elbow support

Starting position: we stand in the knee-elbow support, the elbows are under the shoulders, the knees are at the width of the pelvic bones, as in the previous exercises. Raise the right leg, which should be extended at the knee, parallel to the floor. As you inhale, we move the thigh diagonally to the side and down, behind the left leg. Please note that the knee should be straight, and the foot should be reduced towards itself. On exhalation, we return to the starting position, do not forget to monitor the lower back, as in the previous exercise. Repeat on each leg until it burns in the buttocks.

Starting position: lying on the floor, knees bent, feet looking at the floor, legs are at the width of the pelvic bones, hands are along the body. With an exhalation, we raise the pelvis, while squeezing the buttocks, we transfer the weight to the heels. On inhalation, we return to the starting position. We follow the back, there should be no deflection at the top point in the lower back. The pelvis does not touch the floor, that is, it should always be slightly in weight.


Starting position: lying on the floor, knees bent, feet looking at the floor, feet at the width of the pelvic bones, hands lying along the body. Raise your right leg to the ceiling, the foot should be reduced towards you. With an exhalation, raise the pelvis, squeezing the buttocks. The weight should be on the left heel and push the right heel high into the ceiling. As we inhale, we go down and do not forget to watch our back so that it does not bend. The pelvis should not touch the floor to keep the muscles tense. We carry it out until it burns, after which we change the side.

Abduction of the hip from a lying on its side

Starting position: lying on its side, the lower leg is slightly bent at the knee, the upper leg is extended, the foot is reduced towards itself, the heel of the upper leg is slightly higher than the toe, the toe is lowered to the floor. On exhalation, raise the upper leg to a level just above the hip bone, that is, an angle should form slightly narrower than 45 degrees. After that, while inhaling, we return to the starting position.

Starting position: standing in front of any platform (step, step, etc.), legs are at the width of the pelvic bones, knees are relaxed, slightly bent. We breathe in deeply, sit down to the level of parallel to the floor or slightly lower, with an exhalation we push off the floor with our heels and carefully jump onto the platform in front of you. Make sure we land with slightly bent knees, never on straight legs! Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the toe.

Lunges with rapid alternating legs with lifting to the platform

Starting position: standing in front of any platform (step, step, etc.), feet at the width of the pelvic bones, knees relaxed, slightly bent. There should be one step between the platform and the leg points. While inhaling, we put our right foot on the platform, sit down to the level of parallel with the floor (or slightly lower). Bending both legs at the knee, with an exhalation, push off the heel of the right leg from the platform and jump onto it, changing the leg to the left. Also, make sure that we land with slightly bent knees, in no case on straight legs. Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the toe.

You can complete the workout of the legs and buttocks with a static exercise to consolidate the effect. We stand with our backs to the wall, taking a step forward from it, sit down, bend our legs at an angle of 90 degrees, press our straight back against the wall, pull the pelvis back to the wall. The knees are above the level of the heels, the feet are parallel to each other at the width of the pelvis. We try to sit in this position for at least a minute. Then we try to increase the time in the chair up to 2,5 minutes.

By doing these exercises at least three times a week, you will certainly find beautiful buttocks. Don’t sit on your butt – train it!

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