More and more Polish women and men suffer from backache. Unfortunately, back pain is becoming not only a problem that is becoming more frequent, but also becoming earlier. More and more young people suffer from back pain problems – for reasons of civilization, such as excessive stress or working in a position inappropriate for the body. How to deal when the spine is too tired and becomes a source of pain? Is there a universal set of exercises for each type of back pain? How much time a day should you spend exercising to get rid of recurring back pain? Here are the answers to these and other important questions.
Back pain – where does it come from?
Almost everything we do during the day affects the condition of our spine. The most common cause of pain in the spine is improper habits, consisting in an unhealthy and uncomfortable way of sitting for the spine. Sitting is a position many people spend part of their day in. When working at the computer, in the office, watching TV or driving a car, we stay in the same position – sitting. In combination with the reluctance to regular movement and physical activity, excess sitting can have a very bad effect on the condition of our spine. Most often, we sit in an incorrect position, leading to the appearance of degenerations. These, in turn, are responsible for pain in the spine.
The best way to get rid of back pain is to strengthen it properly. For this purpose, certain exercises should be performed regularly, which will lead to an increase in the amount of muscle tissue in our back. This is very important because a well-shaped and well-developed muscular corset surrounding the spine is the best way to improve its functioning, strengthen and stop ailments such as recurring pain. If back pain is not caused by mechanical damage, but the result of an excessively sedentary lifestyle, then 10 minutes a day to strengthen your back should help you fight the pain. Below we present the most effective sets of exercises, dedicated to individual parts of the spine.
Exercises for back pain
First of all, there are two types of back pain exercises. First of all, they are strengthening exercises designed to improve or increase the amount of muscle tissue in our back. The second type is an equally important relaxation exercise. They are recommended for back pain caused by excessive muscle tension in certain parts of the body.
Exercises for back pain in the arms and shoulders
- Go to the prone position. Place your hands next to your shoulders. Cross your legs at the ankles and lift your feet slightly. Then straighten your arms as you throw them in front of you and raise your upper torso. After a few seconds, go back to the lying position. Repeat the exercise 12-16 times.
- Assume a supine position. Bend your legs at the knees, place your arms alongside your body. Take a deep breath as you pull your shoulders towards your ears. Pull your shoulders down as you exhale. Repeat the exercise 8 times.
Exercises for back pain in the cervical region
- Sit upright. Place your hands on your forehead, and place your elbows next to your head. Begin pressing your hands against your forehead while resisting your head and pushing it forward. Hang like that for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 12 times.
- Stand slightly astride. Stretch out your arms in opposite directions. Turn your head in one direction while making a slight turn of your arms. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Then turn in the opposite direction by rotating your arms again. Repeat the exercise 14 times for both sides.
Exercises for back pain in the lumbar region
- Lie on a hard surface on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, keep your arms alongside your body. Tighten your lower abdominals and buttocks, then push your hips up slightly. Hold this position for a few seconds and then lower it. Repeat the exercise 14 times.
- Stay lying down with your knees bent. Spread your hands wide. Then raise your left leg in a flexed position and try to touch the floor with it under your left arm. It can help you with your hand to reach your target position. Stay in it for a few seconds. Then do the same exercise for the other leg. Repeat it 12-16 times.
Exercises for back pain in the thoracic region
- Lie down on a firm surface. Bend your legs at the knees. Grasp weights or any two objects with a load of about 1 kg and lift them on straight arms. Then bend your elbows, letting your arms rest on the ground. Lift the weights up again. Repeat it all 24 times.
- Kneel down, resting your palms on the floor. Make sure that the angle between your knees and shoulders is 90 degrees. Raise your head up. Then, push your spine upwards in a so-called cat’s spine. After a few seconds in this position, lower your spine downwards, entering the so-called saddle. At the same time, lower your head down. Repeat both positions 12 times.