Exercises for back pain

Special yoga exercises will help relieve back pain, improve general condition, and strengthen your back.

Exercises whose task is to stretch the deep muscles of the back

Classes are usually held on the floor, so you need a blanket or a special yoga mat

  • Rolls – Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Hands grab the knees and roll back and forth with the spine. The back should be rounded and the entire spine should be involved as much as possible. This exercise is performed for 30 seconds. Five approaches are enough, between which a short rest is necessary.

  • Exercises for back pain
  • Main focus on the knees – Lie on your back and bend your knees. Grab the shins with your hands. Pressing the entire spine to the floor, pay special attention to the coccyx, it should go down. This position should be fixed for a couple of minutes. 

  • We work with our feet Lie on your side with your face turned towards the wall. Legs are raised to the wall in parallel with careful lowering to the floor. Hands are behind the head, and the spine is pressed to the floor. The position is also fixed for a couple of minutes.

  • Pull up: lie on your back and bend your right leg at the knee. Pull forehead to bent knee. In this position, they linger for a minute, and change legs, lowering one to the floor and, after a short rest, start the exercise with the other.

  • cat pose – squatting. Exhale – the chin goes to the chest, the back arches. Inhale – the head throws back, look at the ceiling and the deflection of the torso in the other direction. The exercise is performed for 3 minutes and ends with turns to the sides.

  • Exercises for back pain Exercises for back pain
  • With pillows – lying down, while one small pillow is located under the pelvis, the other – under the stomach. Carry out any exercise described above, but only with pillows.

Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back

  • “Rybka” – lying in an extended position, arms extended along the body. Perform chest lifts from the floor. It is optimal to do 3 series of five lifts, but less is possible. Depending on how you feel.

  • Exercises for back pain
  • Frozen “Fish” – lying down, arms extended along the body and raised simultaneously with the legs. The respiratory rate is counted until a feeling of fatigue in the muscles appears. They drop to the floor. Overvoltage is not allowed! After relaxation, repeat the exercise in different variations: change the position of the hands. Then rest and repeat the exercise. The pose can be held for up to 2 minutes.

  • Tilts from a prone position help strengthen the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen – lie on your back and bend your knees, round your back. Slowly lean forward. The exercise is carried out without jerking! Perform 3 sets of 5 slopes.

  • Exercises for back pain
  • To work with the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, perform the following exercise – lying on the right side: the straight right hand rests on the left. Raise one leg, then the other. This position must be held for half a minute and relax. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.

Back pain disappears when the mobile function of the spinal column is restored. Such failures are corrected by inclinations and deflections of the spine.

However, some limitations should be taken into account:

  • small depth of inclination and / or deflection;

  • exercises are carried out with legs bent at the knees, after several workouts, slopes are added in which reliance on a chair is possible (for example, the palms are located on the back of the chair);

  • deflections are best done with pillows. This will allow the arch of the back to be softer;

  • rolling on tennis balls or specialized rollers for the back or yoga is also effective and safe;

  • for safety, it is better to perform soft bending of the back on pillows.


Exercises for back pain

Twisting exercises have a beneficial effect on stretching various muscles.

A common and very effective complex of such techniques – “Crocodile” contributes to a powerful healing effect in the back area. It is important to perform all twisting exercises at the moment of holding the breath, as soon as the breath is taken and the abdominal muscles are tightened.

So, lying on your back, the spine is extended: the left foot is located on the right. On inhalation, the breath is held. At the same time, some movements are performed: the head turns in one direction, and the toes in the other.

This is followed by a short rest and repetition of the exercise only with the other foot.

By analogy with the above described exercise, the following twist is performed: the heel is placed on the toes.

When performing exercises, the dynamic feature of both sides is taken into account. If discomfort occurs, a chair can be used.

These exercises are very rarely accompanied by pain. They only appear when wrong actions are performed.

The key to the effectiveness of exercises is even and calm breathing. Exercise cannot be strictly regulated. Individual construction of the training program is allowed.

At the same time, it is important to take into account that these workouts involve frontal stretching, soft twisting to the sides, and asanas that strengthen the deep muscles of the back and abdominal muscles.

The presented exercises are far from superficial and often require full and deep reflection. It can only be achieved by working in tandem with a professional. Specifically, in this case, it is a yoga instructor.

It is important to take into account a small nuance: at times you should not neglect the inclusion of full breathing, which implies the movement of the diaphragm (in the maximum possible amplitude).

Reasonable and regular physical activity, taking into account possible contraindications and individual characteristics of the body, will alleviate back pain and even completely eliminate them.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – Exercises for lower back pain (for disc herniation, sciatica, osteochondrosis):

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