Exercises at home for beginners: how to start if you have never played sports
Maintaining a physical routine will allow you to be distracted for a few hours. The mind will disconnect from the excess of negative information, so you will be able to reduce anxiety

With the world paralyzed due to COVID-19 our lives have changed dramatically. The routines that we practiced naturally have been interrupted and social distancing has become the priority number one. It is natural to feel anxiety about this new scenario, but we must learn to manage it. For this reason, it is essential to introduce order and perseverance in our daily lives and physical exercise can become a key escape route when coping with this unknown situation.
According to Marian Barrantes, health psychologist at Dorsia clinics, staying active during these weeks will bring us multiple benefits both physically and psychologically. For example, when exercising our body secretes endorphins which improves our mood and our mood. Also, if you are one of those who is having a hard time falling asleep these days, staying active will make you more tired when going to bed and therefore the rest mode will be activated earlier, helping to sleep more and better. Lastly, maintaining a physical routine will allow you to be distracted for a few hours. The mind will disconnect from the excess of negative information, so you will get reduce anxiety and any other depressive symptoms associated with it.
The experts at Clínicas Dorsia, in their constant concern for the well-being of their patients, have developed a simple exercise routine specifically designed so you don’t have to leave the house and with which you can keep the type during these weeks. You can do them in the living room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen, wherever!
Once the exercises have been explained, all that remains is to make a calendar with the days and times in which you will perform your routine, so you make sure you comply with it! Professionals at Dorsia clinics advise doing it at least four times a week. Under the motto #yomecuidosolahome We tell you all the exercises that you can do these days within this expert routine:
Push-ups on the floor
Push-ups are a very easy exercise to do at home, either on the floor or on a mat. Lie on your stomach and place the palms of your hands on the floor at the height of your shoulders. Lift your body and get to keep your body upright without raising the gluteus and looking straight ahead.
If you can not with all your weight, you can support your knees, in this way the same area is worked at a lower intensity. Perform three sets of 10 push-ups.
Push-ups on the wall
If the push-ups on the floor They are not your thing, or you simply want to tone that area more, we give you another option. Rest your hands on the wall and separate (the more you separate, the more intense the exercise).
As on the ground, place your hands at shoulder height and raise your legs this is the starting position of the exercise. To do it, go down towards the wall by tightening the abdomen and make sure that your back does not twist. Makes three sets of 10 push-ups.
Squats with arms forward
For this exercise we will perform a normal squat, but with arms extended to intensify. If it is impossible to perform the exercise with your arms extended, you can perform normal squats.
Remember that when you squat your knees should be facing in the same direction as the balls of your feet. Do three reps of 10 squats.
Step up
Even though this exercise is done with a drawer, you can use a Retro American or any object that allows you to climb on it without tipping over.
We rest one of the feet completely on the drawer and the other on the floor. The foot that is on the floor is raised and is also placed in the drawer.
Keep in mind that when raising the foot you must use the strength of your leg and contract your abdomen. Otherwise, you will not be doing the exercise in a correct way. Do two reps of 10 raises on each leg.
Buttock bridge
Support your whole body on the floor or on a mat and place your hands down as indicated in the illustration. Elevate your pelvis and keep your back straight, then go down without touching the ground until the end of the repetitions. Do three repetitions of 10 lifts.
Simple and crossover crunches
For classic crunches, place your hands behind the neck and lift for a crunch. Focus your energy on the abdomen and be careful with the neck area. Do three reps of 10 sit-ups.
For the crusaders, lie on the ground and place your feet flat on the ground. Rest one of your feet on your knee and place your opposite arm under your head. This is the initial posture of the exercise, now keeping your abdomen hard try to touch the knee with your nose. Do two repetitions of 10 exercises on each leg.
Sit-ups on a bike
This time, instead of supporting your feet by placing them at 90 degrees and your two hands under your head. Try to get your nose to touch your left knee While the right leg is extended, do the same, but in reverse. Perform two repetitions of 10 exercises.
Lay your whole body down and raise your legs. Now make crosses with them simulating the movement of a scissors. Perform 3 repetitions of 20 exercises.