Exercises as a couple: the challenge and motivation you need to strengthen the abdomen and legs
Entrepreneurs in the fitness sector Verónica Costa, better known as Vikika, and Javier Menéndez show how to do a small fun and motivating workout as a couple

“Before we trained for ourselves and now we have reinvented our workouts and share them with our community live via Instagram in two daily sessions,” says personal trainer Verónica Costa, Vikika, with more than half a million followers on social networks. Like her, dozens of “personal trainers” have converted their homes into a gymnasium to remain united with their audience and reduce the number of sedentary people who do not practice any sport. But in addition to ensuring that even those who did not have shoes have put on the tights, it has also led many people to try the partner training.
Broomsticks or milk bottles are now the tools of Verónica Costa, better known as Vikika, and Javier Menéndez, to carry out the strength training, the same material that hundreds of people are using at home due to the lack of dumbbells, for example. “We have created a corner to connect” live “from the living room. In this corner we have put all our training material that we have also had to adapt such as rubber bands, broomsticks, cans of water… the typical thing, ”the couple explains with a laugh.
And although his fitness routine have always carried it out individually, confinement has given them the option of train together, something that not only motivates them, it also manages to create a kind of challenge: «I like training with company better, it makes me more enjoyable and we even challenge ourselves, as I do with Cristina Pedroche … Accompanied is better». Your partner and also personal trainer Javier Menendez has the same opinion and adds that “with each repetition you can be aware of your partner and keep the times well.” In his accompanied exercises, there is no shortage of jumpings jacks, rubber rowing or forward and backward stride with our partner’s grip.
Rowing with rubber bands in pairs: in a squat position, resist your companion, with a pair of rubber bands around your waist, stretching without disturbing your balance, as shown in the video.
Static split with abdomen movement: this exercise is focused on the work of the core and proprioception. You have to be in a lunge position and maintain balance.
Jumping Jacks: with your back straight and your legs shoulder-width apart, keeping your head upright and keeping your abdomen slightly tensioned to have the correct posture, you have to do small jumps on the spot, opening and closing your legs at the same time that the arms are joined above the head.
Stride forward and backward with our partner’s grip: As shown in the video, you have to hold on to your companion and stride back and forth.
An infallible training
For both Verónica Costa and Javier Menéndez, strength training cannot be missed every week, either separately or in company. «In every routine strength and endurance must be present. Right now, in the “live” of both channels (@vikikacosta and @javiermenendeza), we do exercises so that anyone who wants to connect and train ends the confinement being in shape “, they say. How do they do that? Working the whole body during the week, without lacking strength and endurance: “We do HIIT … and a little of everything to achieve this goal,” they say.