Exercises and gymnastics for gonarthrosis

Gonarthrosis is an acute disease of the knee joint, in which cartilage tissue is destroyed, the joint is deformed and ceases to perform its functions. Most often it affects women of advanced age. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, it has a special symptomatology. However, the most common manifestations of gonarthrosis are pain in the knee joint, an increase in its size, tumors. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of an examination of the patient, as well as an x-ray examination.

Treatment of gonarthrosis involves not only local relief from pain in the knee joint, but also the impact on the entire body as a whole. Drug therapy includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondoprotectors. In addition, in the treatment of gonarthrosis, physiotherapy is performed. In difficult cases, surgery may be required. For the most effective treatment, it is necessary to combine drug therapy, diet and exercise. It plays a special role in restoring the functions of the knee joint with gonarthrosis. With regular exercise, you can reduce pain. 

Basic principles of therapeutic exercises for gonarthrosis

Exercises and gymnastics for gonarthrosis

Before starting to perform any exercises to develop and restore the knee joint with gonarthrosis, you should consult with a specialist. In some cases, therapeutic exercises require a special approach. Exercises cannot be performed through force, the process should give pleasure to the patient, and not cause pain. If you experience any discomfort, stop immediately.

A set of exercises in each case is selected individually. It largely depends on the physical fitness of the patient, the stage of the disease. With an exacerbation of gonarthrosis, when the knee swells, severe pain appears, it is worth refusing to perform exercises. Classes can be resumed during the remission period. You should start with simple exercises, gradually complicating them, increasing the number of repetitions and the duration of training. Experts recommend combining the performance of special gymnastics with swimming, outdoor walks and massage. But the main thing is the regularity of training. Only a constant load will restore the functions of the knee joint, strengthen and build muscles. Physiotherapy has a positive effect on the entire body of a patient with gonarthrosis, as well as his psycho-emotional state.

Patients should take a responsible approach to the choice of sports shoes for training. You need to buy sneakers with an elastic, but reliable and firm sole. The top should ideally be made of genuine leather and be soft. It is important to have arch supports that provide support for the foot. High-quality shoes for patients with gonarthrosis can prevent unwanted injuries that can aggravate the condition of the knee joint.

The rest of the clothing should be loose and comfortable, not restrict movement. It can be shorts and a T-shirt or tracksuit. All exercises that include a complex of treated gymnastics for gonarthrosis can be performed at home. This does not require special equipment, a rug is enough. During the performance of some exercises, a support is needed, the role of which can be performed by an ordinary chair.

Video lesson on therapeutic exercises for gonarthrosis

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