Exercise vacuum for the abdomen: instructions on how to do it, video
Every woman dreams of having a thin waist and a flat stomach. But where to find time to go to the fitness center or exercise at home? answers: in the shower! We will tell you how to do a very simple but effective exercise to strengthen the transverse abdominal muscles – vacuum.
There are three powerful and effective belly slimming exercises that, if done regularly, will produce the desired results. They do not require a lot of space and time to complete. The latter, coupled with patience, is only needed to master these practices. However, all these exercises have contraindications: pregnancy, menstruation, postoperative and postpartum periods (at least 4 months should pass after childbirth), any pain during the practice. If they are available, it is better to postpone the lesson.
Thanks to the exercises “vacuum for the abdomen” there is a good massage of the internal organs, increased blood flow, which helps to remove harmful substances from the body. There is a general improvement of the abdominal organs, pelvic organs. In addition, these practices stimulate digestion and promote proper bowel function. And, no less pleasant, they strengthen the abdominal muscles, shaping the waist.
You need to perform such exercises, including those aimed at losing weight on the abdomen, on an empty stomach – either in the morning or four hours after eating. It is most convenient during the morning shower, which in the modern world is almost the only place of solitude. Believe me, you will come out of the bathroom more than cheerful!
1. Vacuum for the abdomen, or maha bandha (big lock)
The large castle includes four small ones: root (or moola bandha), abdominal (uddiyana bandha), throat (jalandhara bandha) and lingual (nabho bandha). This exercise is the basis for the other two, so mastering yoga practices for weight loss should start with it.
Place your feet hip-width apart, bend them slightly at the knees and rest on your hips with your hands (just above the knees). We transfer the weight of the body into the hands, the support should be tangible, and the lower back and abdominal wall should be relaxed. This is the position of the body in which it is easiest to master our magic exercises.
Now you need to dwell on each lock separately. Mula bandha (root) is performed by contracting (pulling in) the muscles of the perineum and keeping them in a static position. It looks like a Kegel exercise, only without dynamics. It is the most important because it is a kind of basis for the next three locks. It is advisable to keep it constantly, then you will not be afraid of organ prolapse at a respectable age, and as a pleasant bonus, the lower abdomen will be tightened.
The throat lock is performed as follows: pull the crown up, along the spine, while directing the chin to the jugular notch and pulling the head back slightly, as if we want to show the second chin. Now try to swallow your saliva. If it didn’t work out, the exercise was performed correctly. If it works out, you need to stretch the top of the head more and move your head back, while the chin is directed downward. Thanks to this lock, the windpipe is closed and the pressure from the abdominal cavity does not hit the head during the execution of the abdominal lock.
The language lock is the simplest. We turn the tip of the tongue up and place it on the upper palate behind the teeth. Everything.
Before moving on to mastering the abdominal lock, learn to hold the three previous ones at the same time while holding your breath after exhaling in the above body position.
The abdominal lock, or, in fact, the vacuum itself for the abdomen, is performed while holding the breath after exhalation and after the three previous locks have been closed. Our task is to make a false breath, raising and spreading the ribs as if you are breathing deeply with a full chest. But at the same time we do not let air into the lungs. The relaxed abdominal wall is freely pulled up, without the involvement of muscles, but only due to the vacuum that forms in the abdominal cavity.
The step-by-step exercise “vacuum” looks like this:
1. Exhale, take a deep belly breath and slowly release the air from the lungs. It is important to exhale all the air!
2. Pull your stomach to the spine and up, as if under the ribs, and freeze for 5-10 seconds.
3. Exhale, relax your stomach, take a few free breaths, then release the air from the lungs again. Repeat 5 times.
Someone needs a long time to master this exercise, someone succeeds the first time. The main thing is that you are already on the right track.
2. Vacuum for the abdomen – an advanced version, or agnisara-dhauti (“flapping” belly)
As stated earlier, this exercise builds on the previous one. We make a simple vacuum, and then, while continuing to hold our breath, we lower and again tighten the abdominal wall.
That is, one more step will be added to the previous instruction: after several free inhalations and exhalations, release the lungs from the air again and draw in your stomach as much as possible. Pulling in, try to tighten your abdominal muscles, and then push your stomach up without inhaling.
During this practice, warmth comes from inside the body, do not be alarmed, it means that you are doing everything right. Between approaches to practice, straighten up, relax the whole body, observe the sensations with closed eyes. Then we start over. The number of approaches is not limited, focus on your own feelings. But if you want a quicker result, the more the better.
The most powerful of these practices. An excellent exercise not only for the abdomen, but also for the sides. At first it seems that it is completely impossible to master it. But as the experience of most practitioners and my own shows, this is not the case. You can master nauli (abdominal vacuum with a wave) within two weeks if you devote 20 minutes a day to practice. Checked! The main thing is not to stop in the middle of the path, when it seems that you are a real mediocrity and you are not given. Given to everyone who wants, there is nothing complicated.
So, we take our starting position, perform a large lock and then push the rectus abdominis muscles forward. We put forward, not strain. A tourniquet is formed. Then we transfer the weight of the body to the left hand – the tourniquet moves to the left, we transfer it to the right hand – the tourniquet will be on the right. The practice can be done statically, but more often than not, the wave is moved along the stomach, in fact, simply by transferring the body weight from one hand to the other. The hardest part of the exercise is to learn how to highlight these very rectus abdominal muscles that need to be extended. To do this, it is useful to put a small mirror in front of you to see what happens.
One more important rule is added to the contraindications: you always need to end the practice on the left side – in the direction of the intestines, in order to stimulate the elimination of waste that is unnecessary to the body.
When you get to mastering nauli, it will be enough to perform this exercise for the abdomen and sides 100-200 times in each direction per day, and the result will not be long in coming. The principle “the more the better” also works here. And you can start small.
Good luck!
Expert trainer, instructor of the group programs “Network of sports facilities of Russia”
– In fact, in yoga they come to this exercise gradually, performing asanas, which will prepare the body and body for a vacuum. The fact is that as a result of this exercise, compression of internal organs occurs, therefore it is necessary to perform it correctly so that nothing is damaged while the front wall of the abdomen “sticks” to the back.
It is best to do this exercise with an instructor, at least for the first few times, and then feel free to do it yourself.
Elena Lukashova, Alya Ivanova