
The volume of the planned result of the exercise:

My child realizes that rules are not meaningless prohibitions, rules are created to make our life safe, comfortable, productive and interesting. My child knows the basic rules that must be followed. He knows how to «read» the rules in the team, follow the rules (if possible, we will consider such situations when these rules are «correct»). We have rules in our family that we follow. I involve the child in the discussion and joint establishment of these rules to the best of his ability.

As adults, we already know that there are no rules without exceptions, and in life, rules are often meaningless and ineffective. Which, however, does not discredit the very meaning of the rules, but discredits the society that created and adopts such rules. We also know that the rules must be periodically reviewed in accordance with the current situation — what was reasonable yesterday (or a hundred years ago) is completely unreasonable today. We also know that sometimes in life you have to bend the rules, break them, set your own rules (for example, in a team) in order to achieve your goals, act in accordance with your values, establish healthier rules.

We all know this, and even know how to set our own rules. But in order not to confuse the child, and in order to teach him to act more effectively in terms of observing and changing the rules, it is important to teach him, first of all, to follow the rules. Only after the child learns to follow the basic rules (for example, safety rules), learns to understand the meaning of the rules, learns to «play by the rules» — can the complex concept of «correctness of the rules» be introduced. And the idea that a Personality is, among other things, a person who knows how to establish his own rules (within the framework of respect for the criminal code).

Exercise tasks:

  • Think of situations where strict rules apply (for example, traffic rules, safety rules, farming rules).
  • Play with your child situations in which these rules are violated (games «traffic light», «naughty squirrel»). Demonstrate the consequences of breaking such rules.
  • Make up stories based on these situations.
  • Think of situations in which breaking the rules is relatively undesirable (for example, hygiene rules, school rules, daily routine, communication rules, game rules).
  • Make up stories, act out situations.
  • Demonstrate the consequences of breaking such rules.
  • Play games with clear rules and follow them (board games, sports games).
  • Come up with a board game with clear, strict rules with your child. Practice.
  • Adhere to the format of the game — following the rules, accepting defeat with dignity, behaving with dignity in case of victory.
  • Read and discuss didactic literature on rules.

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