Soon on vacation, and your figure is still far from ideal? Don’t have time for full fitness? offers a “set of office exercises” for the coming week. If you cope with it, this will be your first step towards good physical shape.
We spend in office bоmost of my life. Often this is a sedentary work – for eight, or even nine hours we continuously, without getting up, look at the computer monitor. But, despite the heavy workload during the working day, you can find a few minutes and finally take care of yourself.
These simple exercises
An exercise: to stretch the waist, lower back and side muscles.
How to do: move away or roll away from your desk. Stretch your legs and place them on your heels. Now turn around in different directions. And perform forward and backward bends. The main thing is to keep your back straight.
In addition to the commonplace swollen legs and stiff back, “sitting” pastime can bring much more trouble. This and severe headaches (nerve endings and blood flow to the head are hampered by curvature of posture and tension in the neck), and “Female diseases” (the same notorious stagnation of blood in the pelvic region), but there is no need to talk about problems with joints.
Doing yoga in the workplace can shock your coworkers, so make sure you practice in front of an audience first.
It would be nice to have a comfortable mouse pad with an orthopedic pad on your desktop. So the hand will be less tired from the monotonous clicking, the fingers will not be numb and numb. In addition, the following exercise will come in handy.
An exercise: we warm up tired hands, fingers, wrists and forearms.
How to do: clench and unclench your fists several times, while trying to spread your fingers as much as possible. Now stretch your arms out in front of you and draw a figure eight with your fists. And then stretch your arms to the sides and twist them, bending at the elbows (10 times in each direction).
It is worth paying special attention to gymnastics for the eyes. The rule should be taken 15 minute breaks every two to three hours. You can first look up, down, left, and right. Then begin to “draw” with the eyes of the figure in the air (circles, eights, words in words). You can choose a point or object to look at – for example, a car in a parking lot and a file folder on the table.
Those who work while sitting develop a stoop. And you need to fight it!
An exercise: straighten and develop shoulders.
How to do: straighten your back and sit upright. Raise your shoulders up and down. Repeat 20 times. Now do 10 rotations with your shoulders forward and 10 backward.
Another option: close our eyes and lean back in the chair. And we begin to “melt”, that is, to relax as much as possible, slide, etc. Then we raise our hands behind our heads and try to bend our back as much as possible in the area of the shoulder blades (delay for a few seconds and relaxation). We get up with our hands folded behind our backs in the lock, and we stretch, bringing our shoulder blades together. Upon completion, we hug ourselves with our arms.
An exercise: we make our neck “work”, flexing muscles and vertebrae.
How to do: press with the right palm on the right cheek so that the head presses on the hand. We hold the tension for five to six seconds. Relax. Do the same with the left side. On average, there are about three or four repetitions. Then, sitting at the table, we put our elbows on its surface and press our head on our hands (about five seconds). Relax and repeat four more times. And in the other direction: we put our hands on the back of the head and press on them with our head.
During the warm-up of the neck, you can do the usual circular movements of the head. The main thing is to do them as smoothly as possibleso that the head rolls freely and without pain from shoulder to shoulder. True, this exercise is not for everyone. If before any vertebra flew out or you feel that something is wrong there, rotate your head strictly prohibited.
You can even do sports in the office. The main thing is to find a comfortable “ground”, as well as an opponent (or teammate).
Belly wrinkles are one of the main female problems. Therefore, on Friday, we do not feast at a colleague’s birthday and refuse a glass of red wine carefully offered by friends. And we do an exercise that is somewhat similar to the familiar “bicycle”.
An exercise: we pump up the muscles of the press.
How to do: move away from the table. Sit on the edge of a chair, stretch your legs and raise your knees alternately to your stomach. Try not to lower your feet to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg.
It’s also a good idea to periodically tense your abdominal muscles and buttocks for a few seconds (an average of 20 reps). The main thing is not to hold your breath.
We hope you are not working this weekend? Or take a thick briefcase with you – to work with papers at home, or even rush to the office early on Saturday afternoon? Then the next couple of exercises are for you.
Jumping in the office lobby will help stretch your legs – just try not to be caught by your boss during this activity.
An exercise: warm up the calf muscles.
How to do: Sit upright, feet flat on the floor, knee angle 90 degrees. Raise your feet to your toes, count to five, and lower onto your heels. Do two sets of 10 reps.
By the way: Exercise alone will not be enough. Therefore, if, for example, you forget what an elevator is and start using exclusively stairs, and your lunch break is accompanied by a promenade around the building, then you don’t need to shock your work colleagues with your gymnastic steps.
An exercise: to train the muscles of the arms, chest and back.
How to do: if your chair is strong, with armrests, and besides, it does not roll away on wheels, you can do push-ups on it, as on uneven bars (it is better to do this before lunchtime!). If the chair does not have armrests, grab its edges and do push-ups as if you were sitting by. Repeat 10 times.
Summer is gaining momentum! Ahead are the sunniest and hottest days, long-awaited trips to the sea, dizzying romances and adventures. Get ready for the opening of the high summer season with!
The article uses materials from the SUPERSTYLE.RU website.