
EVENING ROUTINE is a list of the simplest things we do before bed.

Task: describe and implement the EVENING ROUTINE for children.

Information about important

We start building our routine, and start with a nightly sleep plan.

If we are talking about very young children, we are talking about the ritual of laying down.

For children over six, this is a list of things to do before bedtime, a routine moment, Evening Order.

Why do preschoolers need rituals?

Falling asleep rituals are some procedures that are carried out 20-60 minutes before bedtime in a certain sequence and constantly. It is important for a small child to know what will happen and in what sequence. First, my mother reads a book to me, then I swim, then I put on my pajamas and go to bed, hug the bear, my mother covers me and kisses me.

Such established sequences, rituals — help the child get a sense of stability, order in the diversity of the outside world.

For children over six years old, it is correct to talk about organization and discipline, and not about rituality.

Why do you need a to-do list for older kids?

Then, why and adults — for the proper organization of their activities. By the end of the day, we must finish all our affairs, put some order in the house, mind and soul, prepare for the next day, relax physically. Then we fall asleep easily, with the realization of a duty fulfilled.

Helping a first-grader to get used to a certain order of affairs, we teach him independence, organization. And over time, we won’t have to be reminded to brush our teeth, prepare things for tomorrow, and so on. The to-do list, the established order of constantly recurring tasks (“routines”, as they say in English) — help us focus on some creative tasks, while at the same time habitually functioning in the correct mode.

So, we compose and put into practice the Evening Order

You can come up with your own version, according to your needs and desires. For kids — there will be one order, for twelve-year-olds — a slightly different, more adult, one that they may take with them into adulthood.

Mandatory moments of the Evening Order:

  • Wash and brush your teeth.
  • 20 minutes before bed — talk to mom or dad.

Additional items of the Evening Order:

  • Walk
  • A light snack
  • Cleaning upstairs — put everything in its place, put things in order in the house
  • Shower or bath
  • Reading, alone or aloud
  • Massage
  • Candles and aroma oils
  • Stowing toys
  • Soft toy in the crib
  • Quiet game
  • small cartoon
  • Prepare things for tomorrow
  • Nice relaxing melodies.

There are also ill-formed routines: watching TV until midnight, very active games, refusing to sleep, going to bed screaming, going to bed only with mom or dad (when the situation does not require it), whining and whims. An improperly formed ritual or order is already a habit, and it can even be difficult for a child to fall asleep if he has not felt as he should.

We will form — the correct Evening Order

So, your task for purple this month is to describe and put into practice the Evening Order that is convenient for the child and the whole family.

What to do

  1. Start small by brushing your teeth and talking before bed (see the 20 minutes before bed exercise).
  2. Think about what other things you would like to make habitual, mandatory and try adding them to your list.
  3. Create an Evening Routine and track it TOGETHER with your children. Make this work your joint project.
  4. Track how you get certain points («intelligence»).
  5. Adjust the Evening Order — it should be simple, convenient and effective.
  6. Decorate the Evening Order beautifully with your child.
  7. Strive to keep the Evening Order.
  8. Keep records on the implementation of the Evening Order (see below): on the left side of the table, enter a list of tasks, on the upper right side, indicate the dates and with plus signs — the completion of items.

My evening routine

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