Now is the time for the last article in the series of mini exercise atlas. Finally, there will be exercises involving the muscles in the calves (lower legs), which is one of the most “problematic” parts of the body for women.
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The muscles in the lower leg area belongs to the small / medium body area. For this reason, in the article three exercises are described. The vast majority of exercises involving this the body part is mainly focused on the back (dorsal) part of the lower leg. There is the triceps muscle of the calf – the largest muscle in this part of the body. The triceps muscle of the calf consists, as it were, of three parts. Soleus muscle, which cannot be seen and from the gastrocnemius muscle covering it (folds it consists of two heads – lateral and medial). This is the gastrocnemius calf shape shapes the size and appearance of the calf.
Help – I have big calves
There are two primary the reasons for this state of affairs. The first is a build-up in the calves a large amount of unnecessary fat. In such cases, to reduce the volume of the calves should be reduced in the amount of unnecessary in their vicinity adipose tissue. Of course, you can not “lose weight” only within lower legs – it is necessary to comprehensively remove excess unnecessary tissue body fat. The second reason for a significant calf circumference is the size of the muscles within them. In this case, systematic help can help performing stretching exercises, rolling this part of the body, and also avoiding stimulating the calf muscles with large and very large exercises load. However, keep in mind that the size of the muscles is in the main largely genetically determined and should not be expected to be amazing results.
Exercise with a load on your own body
- Stand behind the chair, rest your hands on chair back. Straighten your back, tighten your shoulder blades.
- Perform the contraction of the calf muscles climbing the squares. Inhale as you climb onto your toes.
- While exhaling, slowly return to the starting position.
Exercise with a load on your own body
- Stand facing the wall on shoulder distance. Place your palms against the wall at chest height. Straighten the left leg, rest the foot of the right leg against the calf of the left leg.
- While inhaling, climb up place.
- While exhaling, slowly return to the starting position. After the scheduled number of repetitions with your left leg repeat the exercise with the right hand.
Exercise with dumbbells
- Grab the dumbbells in your hands keeping your arms along your body. Place the front of your feet on a platform. State straightened, feet are 25 cm wide.
- Perform a toe climb keeping the legs straight at the knee joints. Breathe out at the final stage climbing on toes.
- Return to the starting position. Inspiration perform in the final phase of lowering the feet.
Other articles in this series:
Exercise Atlas – introduction and warm-up
Exercise atlas – arms (biceps)
Exercise Atlas – arms (triceps)
Exercise Atlas – Back
Exercise Atlas – Chest
Abdominal exercise atlas
Exercise Atlas – Shoulders
Atlas of exercises – buttocks
Exercise Atlas – Thighs
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Damian Yefremienko Coach
Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies
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