Exercise Abdominal Vacuum – the correct execution technique

Abdominal vacuum is a special yoga technique that increases the tone of the transverse abdominal muscles.

Vacuum for the abdomen is a special exercise from yoga, which helps to increase the tone of the transverse muscles. The benefit of this effective exercise is that it promotes weight loss and reduces the waist. Perform the exercise as often as possible (at least 5 times a week) and in just 21 days your figure will become slimmer, and the shape of the press will improve significantly. The transverse abdominis muscle is a natural “athletic belt”. In untrained people, the transverse muscle is stretched, weak, and as a result, the stomach “hangs”. The correct “vacuum” technique gives the transverse abdominal muscle elasticity and tone.

A LITTLE HISTORY. The exercise was invented by bodybuilders for a toned torso and a correct posture. As a rule, abdominal vacuum was actively practiced by performing athletes before competitions. The most famous example is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

How to do the abdominal vacuum exercise and how will it help?

How to make a vacuum for the abdomen? This question worries everyone who has heard about the amazing result of this exercise when performed regularly. For you, we have dotted the “i” and squeezed the theory into the volume of a short article. 

With classic exercises, mainly the rectus abdominis muscles are involved. But the transverse ones are the most inaccessible. The vacuum of the abdomen just affects the superficial and deep fibers.

INTERESTING FACT. The vacuum of the abdomen is also useful for men to give the figure a V-shape. The most famous example is Arnold Schwarzenegger (yes, he is again).

› Proper technique for performing abdominal vacuum

Let’s start with runtime. Ideal – morning, on an empty stomach. Such a warm-up will help organize blood flow to the internal organs and start the metabolism in the body. Inventory: a mirror and 5 minutes of time.

  • We stand at the mirror. The back is straight, legs shoulder-width apart.
  • We begin to breathe slowly. 3-5 seconds per breath.
  • We exhale through the mouth (also slowly) and at the same time draw in and hold the stomach.

Difficulty levels:

For absolute beginners: start from a lying position. With basic experience: 5-10 sets with short breaks. Arnold Schwarzenegger: you can not do a stomach vacuum in the morning.

VACUUM STOMACH FOR SLIMMING. If you want to do a vacuum of the abdomen for weight loss, then the exercise must be performed at least 3 times a week with an increase in exhalation time.

› Abdominal vacuum for beginners – best done lying down

To master the correct technique for this exercise, you must perform the following steps:

  • Lie on your back, arms should be extended along the body. Bent legs are on the floor, and all the muscles of the body are relaxed. While in a relaxed state, take a deep breath, freeing your lungs from the air.
  • Next, begin to strain your abdominal muscles, trying to pull it in more. There is no need to breathe. Fix the maximum possible position for 10-15 seconds, then inhale without relaxing the stomach. Then you need to tighten the abdominal muscles for 10-15 seconds and pull the stomach in again, while maintaining muscle tension.
  • Relax and exhale, take a few free breaths in and out. Release the lungs again, and draw in the stomach as much as possible. Then tighten your muscles, trying to push your stomach up, while not inhaling.

WHAT TO PAY ATTENTION TO. Over time, increase the exercise time from 15 seconds to 1 minute or more. The main criterion is comfortable sensations and pleasure from the exercise. It’s not easy, but believe me – the result is worth it!

What is the use of abdominal vacuum exercises and what will regular performance lead to?

The best combination to achieve the maximum effect is “vacuum for the abdomen”, proper nutrition and a gym. Regular exercise will help:

  1. Deeply work out the press.
  2. Increase lung capacity.
  3. Relieve stress.
  4. Reduce waist.
  5. Improve posture.

CONTRAINDICATIONS. Even such a simple exercise has contraindications. Due to the fact that the effect occurs on the deep muscles of the abdominal cavity, people with a hernia, ulcers or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not recommended to perform a vacuum of the abdomen. Also, in the list of contraindications are menstruation and pregnancy. Don’t you have it? Then close the article and start regular execution. The results will please you.


In total, what will you get? The vacuum of the abdomen is an excellent help for regular training and proper nutrition. Thanks to him, in a short time you can reduce your waist and affect your posture.

The exercise can be performed in any conditions: at home, work, subway and in any position – 15 seconds a day. To confirm the effectiveness of the correct “abdominal vacuum” technique, record the results “before” and “after” the exercise. Well, Arnold Schwarzenegger himself advises.

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