- As naturally as possible you will give birth
- Your baby at the source the longest will drink
- In your bed, with you, your child will sleep
- Your child against you, always you will carry
- Your baby’s needs, everywhere will listen
- Respectful communication, with your child you will establish
- A gentle education for your child you will privilege
- Organic, simple and fair exclusively you will consume
- Of allopathic medicine you will be wary
- From classical education you will stand out
As naturally as possible you will give birth
A lot of “ moms nature »Choose, during their pregnancy, comprehensive support with a single midwife. Or call on a doula, or accompanying person at birth. In the maternity ward, they draw up a birth plan, a sort of informal “contract” with the obstetric team. In this document, they express their wishes not to have certain gestures imposed on them (infusion, monitoring, epidural, shaving, etc.) and to give priority to others (choice of positions, gentle reception for their baby, etc.). ). Others give life in less medicalized spaces of the maternity ward (“nature” rooms, physiological centers, birth centers, etc.). Some of them give birth at home, assisted by their midwife.
Your baby at the source the longest will drink
No infant formula bottle for mothers! Breastfeeding is acclaimed, both for its benefits on infant health and for the strengthening of the mother-child bond that it entails. In mothers, breastfeeding can last a very long time: until after entering kindergarten.
In your bed, with you, your child will sleep
The “co-sleeping” (“co-dodo” in French), consists for parents to make room, even common bed, with their children. In mothers who are adept at mothering, this sharing of the family bed results first of all from breastfeeding. It can then last for the first few months or even the first years of the child. This nocturnal proximity would reassure him and strengthen his emotional bond with his parents. And to those who address the issue of the couple’s sexual intimacy, mothering parents retort that love does not only happen in a bed!
Your child against you, always you will carry
For mothers, the stroller is not the panacea, nor the classic baby carrier. Like what is practiced in traditional civilizations, they wear their babies in a sling (a long, strong and elastic fabric tied on their stomach and their hips) or in fabric baby carriers. This carry is practiced not only outdoors but also at home: baby sleeps, lives and eats snuggled up against mom. This prolonged contact would promote the psycho-affective and even psychomotor balance of the child.
Your baby’s needs, everywhere will listen
No mother will let her baby cry without hugging him, or at least staying close to show him compassion. A watchword in the first months of their child: everything on demand. Sleep, meals, awakening: each day passes at the exclusive pace of the child … this thanks to the portage, which allows to go about his occupations while satisfying the baby’s slightest needs (who can notably suck in the sling!)
Respectful communication, with your child you will establish
Basic principle of mothering: the child, from birth, is a full human being, who is entitled to as much respect and listening as any other. In order to communicate better with the baby, the motherwomen sometimes practice sign language, according to a method from the United States. This even allows some to practice natural infant hygiene (the infant, left without a diaper, is placed on the potty when he shows the need).
A gentle education for your child you will privilege
Mother mothers are also “conscious” mothers. Firmly opposed to any corporal punishment, and sometimes to any punishment at all, they favor active listening, or the art of putting themselves within the reach of their children to help them express their frustrations and show them that they are understood (but without giving in).
Organic, simple and fair exclusively you will consume
Intensive agriculture and its chemicals, globalization and its “economic horror”: so many subjects to which nature mothers are particularly aware. Both to preserve the planet and its inhabitants and to protect family health, they favor products of organic origin and those from fair trade. To disposable, they prefer washable, especially for their babies’ diapers. Others have chosen to turn to voluntary simplicity, a way of life aimed at eliminating the superfluous from the consumer society, by favoring local solidarity networks.
Of allopathic medicine you will be wary
Some natural mothers show a certain mistrust (even a certain mistrust) towards vaccines and antibiotics. On a daily basis, as much as possible, they favor natural or alternative medicines: homeopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, etiopathy, herbal medicine, aromatherapy (essential oils) …
From classical education you will stand out
Childminders are often reluctant to entrust the flesh of their flesh to the National Education, accused of training students and of being a place of violence and competition. At traditional school, they therefore prefer alternative pedagogies, which better respect each child’s own rhythm (Montessori, Freinet, Steiner, New Schools, etc.). Some go so far as to drop out of school outright: they will practice family education.
However, not all mothers who are adept at mothering do not follow all of the “commandments” stated above, and each is free to follow some of these precepts of mothering, without necessarily applying them to the letter. As with many early childhood practices, there is no doubt a take and leave. The important thing is that baby and mom are happy and healthy!