If I scratch my head, it doesn’t matter!
There’s sawdust in my head, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh loves to sing songs and does not like to lose weight.
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Whoever is a healthy optimist lives well! There is nothing to complain about: excellent health, always good mood, blooming appearance, excellent appetite and sound sleep. He has been like this since childhood, and, undoubtedly, such a child is the dream of every parent.
Until they have such a child themselves.
Next to him — you do not know where to go, when he is not there — you have absolutely no idea where he has gone. Noisy and mobile, completely restless, such children are ready to disappear for days in the yard, forgetting about any parents, time and restrictions. If knives and money suddenly disappeared from your house, most likely, your child is preparing a secret expedition to Africa to hunt crocodiles, instructing his friends and accomplices to get weapons and along the way developing a scheme for taking a bank to cover travel expenses. However, most likely, on the way to the station, they will go to the nearest casino and, having quickly made friends with the guard, they will start …
To be honest, I don’t know what first graders can do in a casino, but they hung out there for three hours.
They listen to the maxims that “adults must be obeyed” just like the sound of a waterfall, and they can always interrupt in the middle of a sentence with an offer to ride on your neck.
At school, they moan from them, but you can’t help but love them: they are open, kind and sympathetic, they have rich and lively feelings, a quick mind and often artistic talent. Capable, they assimilate and grab everything on the fly,
including any bad habits,
always ready to help the teacher,
although they rarely finish the job,
they easily enroll in sports sections, school theater and technical circles (all at once), always take on everything at once and are sincerely perplexed when, by the right time, what they promised is not fulfilled. They are often even more generous than they are rich, so they cannot always repay their debts and may well give you someone else’s.
From the heart, because they live in a world full of abundance.
They often get it for their indiscipline and optionality, but they never take offense at criticism — primarily because they generally pay little attention to it.
Growing up, our heroes usually quickly leave the parental nest and feel great in a new life, although parents and family are often and always remembered with gratitude. Few people succeed in tying and keeping them near you: they love you, but even more they love life in a kaleidoscope of faces and events.
It is difficult for them to be indifferent to women, they are always ready to love, and love many. In addition to women, they sincerely love themselves, children and animals.