Daily hair loss of 50-80 is considered normal, depending on the season. Unfortunately, due to stress, diseases, dandruff, improper diet, anemia or nicotinism, the rate of hair growth slows down, they fall out in excess and lose their thickness.
Beta-blockers, anticoagulants and immunosuppressants contribute to hair loss. Phytotherapy inhibits baldness.
Androgenetic alopecia
This type of baldness is in the vast majority. together with growth androgens hair follicles disappear. Androgenetic alopecia is called male pattern baldness, because “only” 25% of women suffer from this condition caused by their hormonal imbalance. It is most noticeable in the parietal area. After the age of 15, it affects 25% of men, and at the age of 50, it affects every second man, for which the following are responsible:
genetic factor,
chronic diseases of internal organs,
diseases of the endocrine system,
hair and scalp diseases,
diseases that occur with fever,
general anesthesia,
certain medications
Orally taken saw palmetto has anti-androgenic, anti-exudative and anti-inflammatory properties, while saw palmetto inhibits the activity of androgens at the base.
Alopecia areata
The presence of bald areas on the scalp is characteristic. Most likely, disorders of the immune system and genetic predisposition are to blame. It mostly affects adolescents and children, but it is extremely rare before the age of 3. In addition to the scalp itself, it can affect eyebrows, eyelashes, underarm skin, or facial hair. Fortunately, it occurs temporarily, it can be treated by improving the microcirculation of the scalp, hormone and steroid therapy, or ultraviolet irradiation after applying St. John’s wort extract to the bald areas. In 34-50% of people affected by alopecia areata, hair growth is renewed spontaneously within 12 months. At the beginning, hair without pigment grows back, only with time it comes to repigmentation.
Telogen hair loss
Hair loss is scattered over the entire surface of the head, but as a result of the treatment, the hair is renewed. Telogen hair loss is favored by:
childbirth – the hair falls out more frequently up to 3 months, a few months after the birth of the child, the level of estrogen normalizes, so it grows back,
menopause – similarly to pregnancy, estrogen levels decrease,
hashimotos, thyroid disease,
turn of August and September, spring – an increase in steroid hormones associated with exposure to the sun, results in increased hair loss,
drug therapy, severe infections,
malnutrition, anemia.
Most commonly used soapwort root decoctionwhich fights dandruff and seborrhea, has a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. Ginseng will improve blood circulation and hair structure. Rinsing your hair with beer is justified because hops have anti-inflammatory effects and heal the skin. On the other hand, nettle cleanses, contributes to strengthening the bulbs, improves blood circulation in the scalp, reduces dandruff and sebum secretion. Horsetail also promotes hair growth. A good solution is the use of calamus – it will increase microcirculation, nourish, stimulate growth and stop hair loss. Henna, apart from giving a new color or deepening the natural shade of hair, stimulates the secretion of sebum and strengthens it. If we do not like rinsing our hair with herbs, we can support ourselves with supplements that contain them in their composition. You can read more about the treatment and causes of androgenetic alopecia in women — Androgenetic alopecia in women – causes, symptoms, treatment