You need to return from vacation with fresh impressions, a pack of bright photographs and a box of trinkets, but not with extra pounds. How to avoid turning into a fat woman and, having arrived home, fit into old jeans, – advises
1. Go in for sports
Arrived at the resort, went to the beach and spent half a day in a sun lounger? This will not work. You can also lie on the couch at home. And on vacation you need to have an active rest! In order not only to get a charge of vivacity for many days in advance, but also to become slimmer.
Go play beach volleyball with your friends, take a good swim in the sea (just don’t swim behind the buoys!), Splash in the pool. Do you want extreme? Scuba dive, rent a jet ski or surf with an experienced instructor.
If you are tired of the hot beach, take a tour of the shady surroundings, explore parks, and study architectural monuments. And go shopping in the evening – this is also a great workout.
2. “All inclusive” – bad manners
It is believed that there is nothing to do on vacation without All inclusive. This is a misconception, it is not for nothing that in many resorts, all-inclusive accommodation is considered bad manners. Do you want to languish in hotel lines three times a day and pile kilograms of food on your plates? And to cram pieces of meat into yourself, because “it’s a pity to leave something”?
Leave this right to those who have nothing to lose.
Eat delicious muffins only in the morning – and you will have a whole day ahead of you to deal with calories.
Luxurious puffs, fragrant buns, fresh cakes – in good hotels, guests are fond of being pampered with delicious desserts. Do not deny yourself sweet, just postpone its absorption in the morning. After breakfast, you will have a whole day to get rid of calories. But the baked goods that you gobble up at dinner will go to the detriment, threatening to turn you into buns.
4. Skip the supplement
“During my vacation, everything is allowed to me!” – with this motto we run down the plane when we arrive at the resort. With the same words, we run into the buffet, where endless tables with food are spread out in front of us.
Alas, beauty requires sacrifice, and even during the holidays, the situation cannot be allowed to spiral out of control. Set yourself up to eat more than fits on a medium plate. And refuse the supplement.
It is advisable to try to match your diet as closely as possible to the food you usually eat during the day. If you started the day at home with oatmeal, then in the hotel you should not lean on eggs, but it is better to make yourself porridge too.
If your hotel has a buffet-style meal plan, don’t bite and put a little bit of everything on your plate. Better to choose a new dish every day. Today – meat, tomorrow – fish, the day after tomorrow – pasta and so on.
5. More water, less alcohol
Drinking is always good. Especially in a hot resort when we spend a lot of time in the sun. There you need to drink at least three liters of water a day. Carry a bottle of mineral water or regular drinking water with you everywhere. Liquid accelerates metabolism and cleanses the body.
Start your lunch with a vegetable salad, and don’t forget that wine has calories too.
By the way, do not forget that calories are also “liquid”. If you take a can of beer at the bar every day or you cannot do without a glass of wine or a cocktail in a restaurant, then imperceptibly you begin to recover.
6. Start your lunch with vegetables
Lettuce leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, juicy peppers – these vegetables are great for starting a meal. They improve digestion and suppress hunger. It is believed that the “vegetable start” in food is the healthiest one.
Don’t forget about fruit, too. A piece of sweet watermelon for dessert is much better than a cake. However, fruits will also “correct” your figure great if you lean on dates, bananas and grapes, as well as fruit salads with whipped cream.